Daily Missions
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Freelancers Inc. are looking for Rubi-Kans to help them complete jobs across the planet. They have put up some signs across cities on Rubi-Ka giving Rubi-Kans a heads up on where to find their local offices. Faction: All Factions
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Omni Mission Agency Sign.

Clan Mission Agency Sign.

Neutral Sign.
Where do I get a mission from?If you are Omni, you will find the local Mission Agency Office in Rome Blue. For Clanners, the Mission Agency Office is in Old Athen and Neutrals are able to choose which office they go to.

Rome Blue Office, Location: 660 x 315, Rome Blue.

Old Athen Office, Location: 515 x 440, Old Athen.
What do I do when I get there?First it is a good idea to speak with the Agency Receptionist.

Omni Automated Agency Receptionist

Clan Agency Receptionist
The receptionist will be able to give you information about Freelancers Inc. He should also be your first point of call so you can sign a contract with the Agency.
After speaking with the receptionist, you can go and pick up your mission.
Agency HandlerThe Agency Handler gives out missions on Rubi-Ka. Tell them that you are looking for a job, and a mission will be uploaded to your system.

Omni Agency Handler.

Clan Agency Handler.
Alien Agency HandlerThe Alien Agency Handler hands out AXP and token driven missions. You can read more about them in this guide.
Senior Agency HandlerThe Senior Agency Handler gives out the Elite Missions.

Omni Senior Agency Handler.

Clan Senior Agency Handler.
These elite missions are for players that want a more challenging mission that more often than not, will require a team. Depending in your level range, you will be presented with different options.
Levels 1 - 149
You will be asked to enter one of the various dungeons scattered across Rubi-Ka, and to kill a series of mobs inside. These will span The Abandoned Subway, Temple of Three Winds, Biomare, Crypt of Home, and each of the three sections of Smuggler's Den. Once you have killed your set number of mobs (3-5 usually), you are given a new set, and this trend continues until you face the toughest mobs in the instance. You can find the guides for each of these areas listed below.
Levels 150+
From 150 on, you are given the option to head in to Inner Sanctum and kill the mobs inside in the same fashion as the earlier instances. These are considerably harder and culminate in the task of taking down Hezak! You'll need a good time for this, so don't go in without preparation. You can find the guide for Inner Sanctum HERE.
Levels 200+
The final group of elite dailies that you will unlock include killing Escaped Prisoners, Dust Brigade, and Biodome mission lines.
On completing a mission you will receive a XP/SK reward depending on the mission. In addition to this you will receive a number of tokens commensurate with your title level.
Upon completion or deletion of a daily mission you will receive an 18-hour lock-out timer in your NCU that prevents you from receiving another daily mission until the timer expires.
All Daily MissionsIn case you haven't noticed, the rewards for completing a daily mission is generous, but those looking to level quickly should be aware that there are a number of different daily missions. Each type of daily mission has its own specific lock-out timer, and reward.
The following list summarizes all the different daily missions:
- Daily Mission -- described above and obtained from the Agency Handler in the Rome or Old Athen
- Elite Daily Mission -- also described above and obtained from the Senior Agency Handler in Rome or Old Athen
- Alien Daily Mission obtained from the Alien Agency Handler in Rome or Old Athen.
- PvP Daily Mission is obtained from John Smith in Bore (if you choose the Battlestations mission, you have the option of running that mission up to 3 times before you receive the 18 hour lock-out timer.)
- The Reck which is accessible via whompahs in Tir or Omni-1 Trade.
- Holo Deck Bi-Weekly "Daily" Missions can be found in the ICC Missions guide. The missions can be obtained in the Holo Deck in ICC
- Shadowlands "DOJA" Daily Mission can be obtained when you find DOJA chips in SL and turn it in to Scarlett Dalquist in Lab R1 located in Jobe.
- Shadowlands Elite Daily Missions is in the same building, Lab R1 as the DOJA daily.
Each of the above Daily Missions has its own 18-hour lock-out timer.
Good luck and Happy Hunting!
Last updated on 10.17.2023 by Cariadast
Written by Ukblizzard
Updated information provided by Llie
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Written by Ukblizzard
Updated information provided by Llie
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