Xan Civilization Quest
Table of Contents [+]
- Founding Glacier Five
- Measure the Thickness of Ice - Goggles part 1
- One Who Tinkers With Gadgets - Goggles part 2
- One Who Lights the Way - Goggles part 3
- One Who Walks the Night
- Ruminating Strife
- One Whose Mind is Riddled
- Shivering Pete
- Two-Time Maloney
- Danny Sawyer
- Clan Mission
- Omni Mission
- Anticipating Six
Class: All Classes
Faction: All Factions
Level: 150-220
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Faction: All Factions
Level: 150-220
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Founding Glacier Five
Founding Glacier Five
Like quests in other zones, you will stumble on the first NPC for this quest right as you come through the portal into Penumbra from Adonis. He has a mission for you! You will be sent out to kill 5 Tundra leets and to return to him with a Bundle Of Leet Tails, which will spawn in your inventory.
Tundra leets spawn on the little island around the portal.

Tundra Leet
When you return to Founding Glacier Five, he'll reward you with Yuttos Filter (needed for Frozen Yutto Remedy), as well as give you your new mission.
Measure the Thickness of Ice - Goggles part 1Your next task sends you out to measure the thickness of ice. You'll need to "chat" with 4 Environmental Test Units, gather info for today, and then return to the Yutto.
Pay attention to the numbers! The values randomly change, and so the final answer is different for everyone, but you will need to remember them and add them up.

Environmental Test Unit 1

Environmental Test Unit 2

Environmental Test Unit 3

Environmental Test Unit 4
For your correct answer to this, Founding Glacier Five will reward you with Incomplete Permafrost Melting Tool. This is part of another tradeskill tool for items gathered in Alappaa, but more of this later.
Founding Glacier Five now has another mission for you. You need to deliver Yutto Field Glasses to One Who Lights The Way, but since they are broken, you need to visit One Who Tinkers With Gadgets first.
One Who Tinkers With Gadgets - Goggles part 2
One Who Tinkers With Gadgets
This Yutto lives for technology, but without parts, even he's unable to fix glasses. So he sends you on a hunt for Primary Infrared Filter and Secondary Infrared Filter. Those drop from Disturbed Vortexiods a bit NW from his location.

Disturbed Vortexoid
When you return with the filters to One Who Tinkers With Gadgets, he'll repair the glasses, reward you with Permafrost Battery and send you to One Who Lights the Way.
One Who Lights the Way - Goggles part 3
One Who Lights the Way
Penumbra Forest - 1240.x918.8
One Who Lights the Way will notice you did some fixes to the glasses right away and out of gratitude reward you with Permafrost Powered Tubes. With that, you have all parts needed to complete the new tool used for certain drops in Alappaa.
Requires 1250 in Computer Literacy skill. |
Requires 1250 in Computer Literacy skill. |
The Permafrost Melting Tool is a somewhat versatile tool, although its applications are limited to items from Penumbra. In addition to being used in the shoulder pads from Alappaa, an instance that finishes out this quest, you can check what can be done with it here and here.
One Who Lights the Way also gives you a new mission that will show a "counter" (1/6). He wants you to patrol the forest for him. Basically, that means running on a path filled with Frost Demons and killing or calming them if they attack you. Run on the path in a Northern direction, and there you will find there are six (invisible) checkpoints on the path, and each is located with groups of Frost Demons surrounding them.
The checkpoints have to be passed in the proper order. However, as the checkpoints are literally found along the "dirty-snow" path heading North, you only have to locate the first checkpoint, which is under the "bridge" of Pipe which feels like you bang your head into it (it's a bit low), to start.
Note: after you reach an invisible checkpoint, the mission updates, so you'll know you can head to the next one. If you are high level the demons are not going to agro you so you can just run on the road and check for updates near the Demons. After the 6th checkpoint, the mission changes.

The patrol
One Who Walks the NightOnce the checkpoints are completed, you should report to One Who Walks the Night.

One Who Walks the Night
If you miss some checkpoints, this Yutto won't speak to you. You will have to go back and run the path again to pick up the missed checkpoint(s). But once he's willing to speak, he asks you to address his concerns and he'll send you to Ruminating Strife.
Ruminating Strife
Ruminating Strife
This is one troubled Yutto. And all his troubles have the same origin - The Hiisis. Apparently, there's another war raging in the Shadowlands besides the Redeemed vs the Unredeemed, and it's Yuttos that bear the casualties. So after arming you with Chemical Data Parser, Ruminating Strife sends you to the Pipe. You will have to enter the pipe by zoning in.

The Pipe
Once inside and he wants you to observe a series of Hiisis. You will also need to tag Hiisi Medicine Man, Charmer, and Runner (just pick up the tool and r-click on Hiisi in question).
Hiisi Medicine Man | Hiisi Charmer | Hiisi Runner |
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Once completed, you need to run back to Ruminating Strife and he'll reward you with Afirce's World Catalogue of Books - Volume One.
Unfortunately, his problems don't end here. He tells you about a special Hiisi that comes forward at certain times and since he suspects it's now one of those special times, he sends you out to find him. Like the rest of Hiisi, you'll find it inside the Pipe complex, a bit north from the center of the complex.

Hiisi Arbiter
Penumbra Hollow - 1846.2x1092.7
A bit of caution is advised, since this one aggros on sight. However, you don't have to kill him in order to complete the mission. You can tag him and run, or fight. It doesn't hurt to have some mezz or high-level levels to lend you a hand!
Once tagged run back to Ruminating Strife and he will reward you with Afirce's World Catalogue of Books - Volume Two. But. given the fact that you didn't get a chance to kill anything yet, we all know it doesn't end here!!
So the Yutto asks you to "convince" Tapiolainen not to attack them. Yeah! Good luck with THAT!!
Tapiolainen is located NE from the center and down the ramp to the floor level, in the grassy area.

Penumbra Hollow - 1947.9x1167.8
Should you attempt this mission at lower levels, a team is advised. After killing Tapiolainen, go back to Strife, and after telling him of your success, he will reward you with Afirce's World Catalogue of Books - Volume Three and send you to One Whose Mind is Riddled.
One Whose Mind is Riddled
One Whose Mind is Riddled
Penumbra Forest - 1529.3x1883.3
Boys and girls, you better put on your running shoes, this NPC will send you all across Penumbra. He'll give you the approximate location of the first Memorial with instructions to check on all 5 of them. Fortunately, at each Statue there's another Yutto Caretaker, who will direct you further.
In itself this task shouldn't be too problematic, however, some of the Memorials are located in places where someone unfamiliar with Penumbra could easily pull aggro from local wildlife. So be prepared to bump in uninvited guests.
Note: To speak with the Yuttos at each memorial be sure to first target them, or they will ignore you!

Memorial Caretaker 1
Penumbra Valley - 2926.0x2028.2

Memorial Caretaker 2
Penumbra Valley - 2530.3x1597.2

Memorial Caretaker 3
Penumbra Valley - 2568.7x466.0

Memorial Caretaker 4
Penumbra Forest - 813.0x1393.5

Memorial Caretaker 5
Penumbra Forest - 828.4x2245.4
When you have managed to visit all the locations, return to One Whose Mind is Riddled with your report. He will give you Afirce's World Catalogue of Books - Volume Four (last of specialization 4, you don't need volume 5) and direct you to
Shivering Pete
. Penumbra Valley - 2319x1218
Shivering Pete
Shivering Pete
Pete is a tomb raider with bad luck. Not only did his partner rob and hurt him, he also stole half of a treasure map. So Pete is after revenge (and the other half of his map). His weapon of choice is going to be you. HE will send you to go and kill
Two-Time Maloney
. Penumbra Valley - 2312x1983
Two-Time Maloney
Two-Time Maloney

Seen from above
At this point you'll probably need a team. Not only does Maloney carry quite a punch, he's not kitable and warps to himself. Unfortunately you first need to talk to him to be even able to attack him and upon his death a self destructing turret with a small AoE nuke. When you kill him, Ripped Note will spawn in your inventory.
When you return to Pete, he'll give you the other half of Ripped Note and Shovel X-6000 to go dig out the treasure. For those that can't read the smeared out coordinates, travel to
2446 x 1609
. When at the location, simply r-click on Shovel and Tube Container will spawn in your inventory. Penumbra Valley - 2446.0x1609.0
Returning this item to Pete will be rewarded with a Finely Refined Notum and a Codex Divello. Pete will then send you to Danny Sawyer.
Danny SawyerPenumbra Valley - 2509.3x914.6

Danny Sawyer
He's a bit of an untrustworthy fellow. He'll ease up a bit after you tell him Pete sent you, but before gaining his complete trust, he'll test you with a simple kill mission.
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5x White Dryads | 4x Demons of Water | 3x Frost Demons |
Danny wants you to kill:
- 5x White Dryads
- 4x Demons of Water
- 3x Frost Demons
These mobs are very social, so be careful. They can be found in large numbers a bit south of One Whose Mind is Riddled, and the best place to locate all those mobs is on the iced-over pond area.
Penumbra Forest - 1613.5x1799.2
Once you have killed the required number, head back over to Danny. When he hears you have taken care of the right mobs, he's so impressed...he gives you another mission. Of course, he does!
He now sends you to retrieve a book for him.
Note: This is the only part of the quest line that's sided, depending on your faction.
Clan MissionFor Clan sided quest it is Devoted Cama Zean-Mara which is located on the far northwest side of Penumbra, you'll need to go into a cave (entrance located at
1395 x 2436
). Watch out for mobs inside.Penumbra Forest - 1395.0x2436.0

Cave Entrance

Devoted Cama Zean-Mara
Omni MissionFor Omni sided quest you need to locate Follower-Wox-Yutt Van

Follower-Wox-Yutt Van

Follower-Wox-Yutt Van Location
Both the Clan and Omni NPCs give the same mission to you. Your sided NPC will send you to a dungeon, where you need to locate A Fine Quality Jar and return it to them.

A Fine Quality Jar
When you give the jar to your sided NPC, they will hand you Tattered Book: 1001 Survival Tips...And More!. Once you receive the book, return it to return to Danny. He will send you to Anticipating Six.
Anticipating Six
Anticipating Six
This Yutto stands next to the entrance to Alappaa. While he'll talk to you, he won't give you the next part of the quest unless you're teamed. He wants to send you on a mission to make sure the Old Man, who entered Alappaa a while ago, is safe.
To do so, you will need a team to help you get in and battle the creatures held within the instance. You can read our guide on how to do that here: Alappaa.
Once you complete this mission, just return to Anticipating Six for your final reward, a profession-specific nano crystal. The previous Bureaucrat reward, Brain Freeze, is currently rollable and the new reward is a pet nano!
Profession: | Nano crystal rewarded: |
Adventurer | Nano Crystal (Sharp Scales) |
Agent | Nano Crystal (Dead Cold) |
Bureaucrat | Nano Crystal (Carlita Desposito) |
Doctor | Nano Crystal (Team-Enhanced Deathless Blessing) |
Enforcer | Nano Crystal (Ice Burn) |
Engineer | Nano Crystal (Boosted Tendons) |
Fixer | Nano Crystal (Program Override) |
Keeper | Blade of Khione |
Martial Artist | Nano Crystal (Fists of the Winter Flame) |
Meta-Physicist | Nano Crystal (Summoning of Yidira) |
Nano Technician | Nano Crystal (Freezing Lancets) |
Shade | Sharl's Cybernetic Tattoo |
Soldier | Nano Crystal (Composite Heavy Artillery) |
Trader | Nano Crystal (Grand Theft Humidity) |
Note: Keeper reward: Blade of Khione can be further upgraded using items that escaped prisoners drop. The exact process is explained here.
Last updated on 02.24.2024 by Cariadast
Updated on 05.10.2022 by Saavick
Information provided by Trgeorge.
Reworked by Cariadast (April 2, 2021)
Updated by Saavick
Updated with feedback from Siaynoq, additional information provided by Windguaerd.
Memorial coordinates provided by Gimpeline
Afreng got the telephone number (aka AOID) of Carlita!
Do you have questions about this article or found an error? 13 comment(s) - Click here to view them!
Updated on 05.10.2022 by Saavick
Information provided by Trgeorge.
Reworked by Cariadast (April 2, 2021)
Updated by Saavick
Updated with feedback from Siaynoq, additional information provided by Windguaerd.
Memorial coordinates provided by Gimpeline
Afreng got the telephone number (aka AOID) of Carlita!
Do you have questions about this article or found an error? 13 comment(s) - Click here to view them!