Guard - Elmo Fitz
Class: All Classes
Faction: All Factions
Level: 60-150
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When you enter Elysium via Port 7, at the bottom of the ramp you will find Guard Elmo Fitz. Faction: All Factions
Level: 60-150
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When you open dialog with him he will tell you about the area and the ports.
The first task we picked up from him was called "A Devouring Challenge".
This mission basically requires you to kill 3 Devourers of Life. So, head around the building to the south and you should be able to tab them fairly quickly. Be aware that they are social mobs.. if you hit one and the mobs is green to you, you could get a few hitting on you at once!

When you have killed all three, head back to Elmo. When you open dialog with him he will reward you with 50k XP and 50k Credits. In addition you'll receive a Mini XP-Reward which gives you a number of XP/SK according to your level.
He will next ask you if you are up for a bigger challenge and whether you are headed north. If you say yes to this, he will ask you to deliver "some device" to One Who Wins Over Mind at the Melting Pot.
Open your missions tab (CTRL 4) and upload your mission to your map. This will give you a mission way point.

Open dialog with the yuttos and tell him you have a device. You will be rewarded with 20k XP and 20k Credits. In addition you'll receive a Mini XP-Reward which gives you a number of XP/SK according to your level.
One Who Wins Over Mind has some quests you might be intersted in. Click here for our guide!
Last updated on 06.25.2012 by Llie
Written by Uragon and Ukblizzard.
Updated by Afreng
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Written by Uragon and Ukblizzard.
Updated by Afreng
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