Carbonrich Rocks
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A Carbonrich Rock is the very raw material used in the process of making a nano crystal.Faction: All Factions
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Where can I get them?
They can be found just in 8 locations across Rubi-Ka and in mission chests or mobs. Don't waste time looking in chest or killing mobs to get these rocks, just head to the locations below for the QL of Carbonrich Rock that you're looking for.
Carbon Rich Rocks Site #1
Avalon - 1700x750
Avalon , 1700 x 750
This is one of two places in Avalon where you can find Where can I get them?
They can be found just in 7 locations across Rubi-Ka and in mission chests or mobs. Don't waste time looking in chest or killing mobs to get these rocks, just head to the locations below for the QL of Carbonrich Rock that you're looking for.

The QL level of Carbonrich Rock in this area are between 1 and 100.
Carbon Rich Rocks Site #2
Avalon - 2450x1300
Avalon , 2450 x 1300
The second place in Avalon, the Notum Tree provides you with another nice selection of rocks. Also, the only real danger here is falling into the lava, so you won't have to worry about mobs.

QL level of rocks in this area are between 50-100.
Carbon Rich Rocks Site #3
Broken Shores - 2350x3300
Broken Shores, 2350 x 3300
Located at the north-eastern border of the zone, the Carbonrich Rock fields in Broken Shores is quite large. Only a handful of mobs are roaming there, they are around level 90-120.

The QL level of rocks in this area are between 1 to 125.
Carbon Rich Rocks Site #4
Central Artery Valley - 1220x1000
Central Artery Valley, 1220 x 1000
CAV is not be the safest place on Rubi-Ka to find these rocks. However, you can be fairly save inside a Yalmaha, allowing you to fly down, grabg a rock and then fly off therefore avoiding the level 140-180 mobs nearby (Anuns, Nanofreaks and Snakes).

The QL level of rocks in this area are between 1 to 250.
Carbon Rich Rocks Site #5
Deep Artery Valley - 1635x2940
Deep Artery Valley, 1635 x 2940
This is definitely the most dangerous of all the Carbonrich Rock fields. It is an island called "Golem Island" and is home to a couple of high level mobs. A Yalmaha is recommended here to harvest rocks to avoid getting pounded by large golems, anuns and drill mobs.

The QL level of rocks in this area are between 70 to 250.
Carbon Rich Rocks Site #6
Southern Artery Valley - 2600x2900
Southern Artery Valley, 2600 x 2900
SAV is just as dangerous as Central Artery Valley, but as mentioned before, your Yalmaha can really keep you out of danger.

The QL level of rocks in this area are between 15 to 60.
Carbon Rich Rocks Site #7
4 Holes - 840x1580
4 Holes, 840 x 1580
Spread all around the 4 Holes area, you will find that the rocks here are really low QL and obviously more suited for the lower levels as the local mobs are fairly easy to handle. The rocks are spread out across the whole zone, so we only list one coordinate for you, the closest one to the grid exit.

The QL level of rocks in this area are between 1 to 60.
Condemned Subways
This is dungeon for low level players between levels 5-25. After level 25 you are unable to enter it. However if you manage to get past level 25 inside the dungeon you can remain inside, but if you go out you won't be able to get back in.
There were three identical condemned subways located throughout Rubi-Ka which can be accessed by each faction (omni, clan, neutral). They were separate, which means they were not connected in any way. You could find them in Borealis, West Athens and outside Rome Blue. Now they are gathered in one at ICC. Check this guide to learn how to get to the area within where the rocks are located.

The QL level of rocks in this area are between 20 to 60.
Please do read our guide to making a nano crystal so that you know what QL of Carbonrich Rock you need to get. Also the QL we list is aproximate, not exact, which means that you could find something slightly higher or lower than listed..
Last updated on 08.15.2021 by Saavick
Information originally provided by Windguaerd.
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Information originally provided by Windguaerd.
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