Player City Building Guide
Table of Contents [+]
- Player Cities
- The Sauna building is not buyable and must be built. The only exception to this is if you received a City Resettlement Beacon that had been given to all presidents of an existing organization with a city in 2013 when cities moved from outside into instanced city. Buying a City Voucher from the Items Store, will not include the Sauna.
- Getting Started Building
- Building Creation
- Building QL
- Creating the Buildings
- Creating the Sauna Building
- Finished Buildings and Plot Info
- City Controller
- Purchase and Rent costs
- Plot
- Markets are no longer functional. They can not be created, bought or placed.As of the 18.5 patch, this building is obsolete. It used to be the place where players could have their own shop terminals to sell items to other players. These have been replaced by Global Market Interface (GMI)
- Guests in your City
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Faction: All Factions
Level: All Levels
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Faction: All Factions
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Player CitiesAs of patch 18.7, you can buy almost all buildings required to fill your shiny new Alien Invasion City. They can be purchased fully constructed from the Tower Shops located in Borealis, Old Athens, Rome, and ICC. Cost of pre-made buildings varies based on your Computer Literacy level.
However, if you still want to make the buildings yourself, you can; this guide will explain how.
- Note:
The Sauna building is not buyable and must be built. The only exception to this is if you received a City Resettlement Beacon that had been given to all presidents of an existing organization with a city in 2013 when cities moved from outside into instanced city. Buying a City Voucher from the Items Store, will not include the Sauna. ⇑
Getting Started BuildingWhile some parts you may need to literally hunt down, most parts can be found in the tradeskill department of Fair Trade stores, in the ICC Architecture Supplies terminals. Alternatively, you can visit
Uncle Bazzit's shop
in Meetmedere, but the QLs of the items don't go as high as in Fair Trade.Newland Desert - 1546x2710
Building CreationOnce you have taken the time (and it will take time) to gather all the supplies you need, settle in for a long process on creating each one. Long it may be, but if you have more time than credits it will definitely be worth it on the credits you save.
Let's get started!
Building QLThe first thing you need to know is what QL building you want to make (Range: QL1 - QL300). The QL of a building is decided by one item used in the process: the Generic Organic Immunity System. A QL300 will give you a QL300 building, and a QL1 will give you a QL1 building. Simple and easy. You can either buy it from Fair Trade or Bazzit's shop, or build it yourself.
To build it, you have to gather a Solid Clump of Kyr'Ozch Bio-Material. Alien Drop. These can be refined by using a Kyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer. The only problem is that clumps can turn into several types of items, so cross your fingers and hope for a Kyr'Ozch Viral Serum. This is what you need to make a high QL Generic Organic Immunity System. Secondly, you need a Manteze Scout Nasal Membrane. You will find these membranes (perhaps unsurprisingly) on Manteze Scouts. These can be found on the
eastern coast of 4 Holes
.4 Holes - 1952x1772
Combine the items like so:
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Requires 4.5x the QL in Electrical Engineering. |
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Requires 400 in Pharmacy. |
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Requires 3.5x the QL in Pharmacy. |
Creating the BuildingsThe first thing you need to know is the difference between Regular Building Structure and Advanced Building Structure. This has nothing to do with the QL of a building, but with the type.
There are three buildings built from Advanced Structures:
- Headquarter
- Guard House
And the rest are built with Regular Structures:
- Grid House
- Notum Mining Operations
- Notum Silo
- Landing Pad
- Satellite Uplink
- ECM Tower
- Swimming Pool
- Sidewalk Cafe
- Sky Bar
To make any kind of building, regular or superior, you always need to make a Regular Building Structure. The QL of this structure is, as mentioned, decided by the QL of your Generic Organic Immunity System, and will also decide the QL of the end product. You need to buy Generic Volatile Nanobots, HSR Compressed Regenerating Bioplate (one per building structure) and Blueprint - Regular Building Structure (reusable tool) to make a Regular Building Structure.
Combine them as follows.
Regular Buildings
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Requires 4x the QL in Chemistry. |
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Requires 400 in Pharmacy. Optionally see below for a cheaper but more time consuming way to make Strong Regenerating Bioplates. |
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Requires 4x the QL in Mechanical Engineering. |
Now you can make all of the regular buildings. All you need is to buy a Floorplan and put it together like so:
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(5 x Comp Lit) |
Advanced Buildings
To make an Advanced Structure you need to upgrade your Regular Building Structure. You'll need the following items:
Looted from Giant Chirops Stret West Bank - 2001.1x1828.9 | |
Looted from Scarlatina Omuses Central Artery Valley - 946.8x1858.8 | |
Looted from Salt Worms Perpetual Wastelands - 408.9x1503.7 | |
Shopbuyable | |
See above how to build it | |
Shopbuyable |
Combine everything like so (QL 300 HQ as an example):
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Requires 400 in Pharmacy. |
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Requires 400 in Chemistry. |
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Requires 400 in Pharmacy. |
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Requires 400 in FieldQuantumPhysics. |
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Requires 4x QL in Mechanical Engineering. |
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Requires 5x QL in Computer Literacy. |
- Note: Be aware that there are 2 types of HQ small (QL 1-100), and large (QL 201-300). Be sure to pick the right one for you and your Org/Guild.
Note: All Floorplans are NODROP.
Alternative way to make Strong Regenerating Bioplates
This option is a cheaper, but more time-consuming way to make Strong Regenerating Bioplates.
You'll need the following items:
Looted from Stalkers Stret East Bank - 1180x2580 | |
Looted from Rollerrat Queens Wailing Wastes - 2350x970 | |
Shopbuyable | |
Shopbuyable |
Combine everything like so:
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Creating the Sauna BuildingThe Sauna building is built a little different from all the others.
You'll need the following items:
From the Condemned Subway | From the Temple of Three Winds | From the Foreman's Office |
From the Crypt of Home | From the Inner Sanctum | From the Dust Brigade Outpost (DB1) |
From Inside the Machine (DB2) | From Sectors 35 and 42 | From Alappaa |
From the Biodomes and Mitaar | From Vortexx | From Albtraum |
From Sector 10 | From Sectors 13 and 42 | From Sectors 28 and 42 |
Combine everything as follows:
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Finished Buildings and Plot InfoNow that we know how to make the City Buildings, let's take a look at what they do!!
We all have come to like our /org contracts from Notum Wars. Now we will also come to like /org city - for it shows what we get for the money. And it's going to be a lot of money. Purchase price and upkeep on rent for these cities can be expensive!
You can customize your city to meet just your minimum needs, or you can go all out and fill the plot with everything you could imagine. It will depend on the plot size you choose, and how many credits you want to spend!
Anyways, house/building bonuses work like contracts - buffs scale with level. All the buff values mentioned apply to a level 200 character and are for QL 300 buildings.
City ControllerAll rent costs listed are the monthly amount of rent due, and the date it needs to be paid by. That date along with the total due can be found in the City Controller, (or CC).

City Controller
If you have Squad Commander or higher, you can advanced info on the city, by right-clicking the City Controller and bringing up its City Info window.

Purchase and Rent costsOkay, so you made your desired buildings -OR- you didn't feel like building, have creds to spare and bought them from the Tower Shop instead! Either way, let's look at what it costs to obtain a city plot, and what the upkeep will be!
Note: Costs of buildings, etc bought in the Tower Shop are based on Character/Computer Literacy Level.
You can add as many City Buildings and Social City buildings as your plot and pocketbook will support.
Note: City Buildings are NODrop, and Social City Buildings (Plants, trees, statues, lights, etc) are YESDrop.
PlotThe city plot is no longer the main/only defining factor in the city's upkeep. The monthly rent cost of a city can be controlled by how many beneficial buildings you have placed. A 5x5 Building will add 5,000,000 to the city's upkeep. A 10x10 Building will add 10,000,000 to the city's upkeep. And so on...
- Note: While the plot itself gives no benefits directly, it costs 5-15M Monthly to use and hold the buildings you plant, so be sure to figure that into the cost you want to pay monthly for your city!
Plot Purchase:
Small City Plot: 300M
Plot Purchase: Large City Plot: 500M
Small Plot 5M
Large Plot 15M
- Note: You can also purchase a plot Voucher using FunCom points from the in-game Item Store. The current cost is 2700 FC Points.
The voucher is good for either a Small or Large plot, but regardless of which one you choose, the voucher is consumed completely.
All Abilities: +9
Run Speed: +90
Small HQ 15M
Large HQ 20M
Building Size:
- Small HQ: Building Size: 15x15
Large HQ: Building Size: 20x20
The HQ is required to have a city. Place it carefully as once it's planted, moving it means potentially having to replant the entire city as it is the prerequisite to owning other buildings. Destroying it will destroy all other buildings on the plot.
The HQ also has a built-in grid terminal. Apart from that, HQs also have different nice areas inside.
Both sizes of HQs have a Laboratory that buffs the following tradeskills: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Quantum FT, Pharmaceuticals, Nano Programming, Weapon-Smithing, Chemistry, Psychology (+160 Large HQ/+50 Small HQ), which locks Computer Literacy.
The Large HQ also has a conference room, a large guild meeting hall, and a bar. Also, there is a Clinique Plastique room that allows you to change your character's appearance. This costs 25 mil to use per visit.
Grid House
Computer Literacy: +54
- Grid 5M
Building Size:
- 5x5
This building enables gridding to the city in the same way as you would grid to your control tower at your notum base (if you have Notum Wars expansion).
It's advised that you not build the grid house right next to the controller as you might get aggro from aliens the moment you're gridding in, but close enough that you can jump in the grid if things get too ...buggy!
Notum Mining Operations
Nanoskills: +36
- 10M
Building Size:
- 10x10
This building has no other functions, and it can not be entered.
Notum Silo
Nano Delta: +36
NanoCost: -6%
- 15M
Building Size:
- 15x15
A nice building to have. The fun part is - this building can be entered, and it is a 0% suppression gas area! Arena fighting, or just sparring - this is where you do it, without the fear of gankers around.
Landing Pad
All Vehicle Skills: +54
Map Navigation: +54
- 10M
Building Size:
- 10x10
Now, you can of course use it to park your Yalmaha, or Phasefront to show off. But the main advantage of this is - it also gives you a boost to the skills needed for it.
Note: If you are running out of space, this would be the first to go in my opinion. Nice to have, but not necessary.
Swimming Pool
Body Dev: +54
Swimming: +54
- 17.5M
Building Size:
- 20x15
From the outside, arguably a large unattractive building, in tune with the Mining Operations and the Notum Silo. The architect of this building was designing bunkers before he turned to city-scaping. But once inside, you will be amazed. This building truly looks awesome!
Note: If you are low on space you might consider not building one, then again, it's a must-have if you are a social or RP org.
Satellite Uplink
- 5M
Building Size:
- 5x5
This tower enables scanning of your surrounding sky, giving you warning messages when an alien attack will occur. It's only a 5-minute-warning, but more than nothing!
ECM Tower
- 10M
Building Size:
- 10x10
This is one of the most important buildings to have. It lowers the chance of a random, unexpected alien attack, and by turning off the ECM cloak, an alien attack will be triggered within minutes.
Streetwalk Cafe
- No Cost
Building Size:
- 10x15
Pure social - the place to hang out and wait for those aliens to come.
Sky Bar
- No Cost
Building Size:
- 15x10
Purely social as well - but you will be able to party in the sky.
Guard House
HealDelta +18
- 5M
Building Size:
- 5x5
This building has heavy-armed guards who will hold up the aliens until you can marshal your own troops to defend if need be. Guards are unable to defend a city alone for long, but they can be of great help sometimes.
Note: If a guard out damages you or your team, you will not get the alien experience and won't be able to loot the alien corpse. Plant a Guard House far enough away from the CC to avoid any possible accident of a player attacking a guard by mistake, but where you can still run to them if you get overwhelmed.
Apart from the grid, and the Shuttle to ICC, there are Whom-Pahs to several of our favorite bars: Baboons, Reet Retreat, Neuters 'R' Us, Rompa Bar. While somewhat outdated, if you're in a need a quick drink, or to be in the area of one, these are a fast way to get there.
XP +11
- 5M
Building Size:
- 5x5
After relaxing in this building for a minute, you receive an XP buff called Relaxed State.
And if your city doesn't appeal to you yet with all those buildings in it, you can still place trees, statues, lamp posts and benches. You can find them in the Social City Buildings vending machine in any Tower Shop.
These take mini-squares to build and can be placed on the margins around the buildings.
- As of the 18.5 patch, this building is obsolete. It used to be the place where players could have their own shop terminals to sell items to other players. These have been replaced by Global Market Interface (GMI)
Guests in your CityYes, you can have friends over at your city! They don't need to be in your org, just team with your guests, enter the building first and then they can enter after you. Good to have a friend use the laboratory, grid out after a raid, relax by the pool or PvP in private if you want. Formerly this required players to have the Alien Invasion Expansion, but not not anymore.

Last updated on 01.15.2024 by Cariadast
Updated Cariadast
Information originally provided by Evilbaffle, Phelsior, Igoros, Egeria, Kzak and Daimoness to the AI Library Forums.
Additional information provided by Windguaerd and Tepamina.
Sauna tradeskill process after the Anarchy Online Wiki, which is not easily available anymore.
Do you have questions about this article or found an error? 5 comment(s) - Click here to view them!
Updated Cariadast
Information originally provided by Evilbaffle, Phelsior, Igoros, Egeria, Kzak and Daimoness to the AI Library Forums.
Additional information provided by Windguaerd and Tepamina.
Sauna tradeskill process after the Anarchy Online Wiki, which is not easily available anymore.
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