Is there a good wilderness area to solo (FrooB)

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Post by xaatxuun » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:56 pm

It tough to play as a newborn Froob, Specially when you know already where to go, what to get, and can buff him up with a higher level, with gear and such.
Each alt I start it was meant to been played just that way, restarting over and playing in a map not used too, but not borrowing from my already making creds character(s). it last till first long drawn out fight, which normally takes a few hits if equipped right :lol: then I'm like Ok, what can I get away with spending, this is taking too long. :P , and I end up getting their Imps and Carb armor and Belt N NCU, and make sure they stay Buffed with Comps.

Tho I do actually have a Character That I started on a Froob account last time I played, that is now level 33, no support, The Org he joined died like a week or 2 after it was created. Armor has only been what he can scavenge that was not taken from killed Dyna bosses and what he has collected from his own kills. And lots of Missions. Oh and did I mention, he's an Agent :wink:

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Post by Silvana » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:38 pm

Well if I do it as a clanner, I really would have zero idea of where anything is.

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Post by Llie » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:00 pm


Probably a little late joining this conversation, as you're probably past level 50 by now. If you are a 2HE Advy, then you can certainly kite the borgs around the vicinity of the Cyborg Barracks (not actually inside). (As for the Daily Mission, people have noticed that the cyborg parts are YESDROP, right? I usually send one of my high level alts in there to collect a set. (Oh, I just looked at your picture of the hammerheads -- you're holding pistols.)

Biomare tends to be a level farming location after level 60 (Where people farm the Legionnaires until they turn grey, and then spend the remaining couple of levels killing the exarchs) but before level 80 where the floaters and bloaters in the Biomare sewers respawn endlessly but turn grey around level 80. It's probably worthwhile to get some help and obtain at least the first (or first couple) of Biomare passes. Aggro management in Biomare isn't too hard, but you have to be fairly careful (hugging the walls, hiding behind pillars, pulling one at a time.)

I also like the spiders and human mobs around the outside of ToTW, some of which are as high as level 60. (Note that I've found a Grid Armor instruction disc off of one or two of those human mobs outside of ToTW.)

As for tightly clustered social mobs, pulling is an art. Pulling does not entail shooting or nuking a mob, but rather the process of orienting yourself to the cluster of mobs such that one mob sort of "sticks out" of the group, and then you take little steps toward the mob until that one mob aggros you, and then you back up or turn around and run far enough away such that when you start shooting, the rest of them don't aggro. There are three clusters of hmmerheads in WW, two of which are north of a city. If things go bad, run to the city and duck into a whompa to a local bar, where you can order drinks and tell the story about how you were the "one that got away."

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Post by Uragon » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:34 pm

Llie wrote:2HE Advy
Sorry to cut this apart and answer only to this, but: Why would you make a 2HE Adventurer? The main supported lines for the profession are 1HE and Pistols, both dualwielded. And there are great weapon options even for froobs that will be useful all the way to level 200.

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Post by xaatxuun » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:17 pm

Speaking of the Cyborg DM, got that last night, so figured well I have leveled some. I should be able to handle one at a time now

not sure what the deal was, but my attack speed was me Shouting 'Would you friggen fire already" I got my first 3 hits in then all I did was miss,IF I Attacke at all :roll: and all they did was crit. I had decided to run too late.
it was bad, they got 7 attacks in before I could do one. Actually more if you count my misses :?

So I went back to dyna's and what ever trash mobs and exploring. I did manage to get a Dyna only instruction Disc to drop, but had not yet done a price check for it.
I was at a loss when according to the Map, a location has 65, but the Dyna is 72. If the dyna is 72 shouldn't the location on the map read 70 ? not 65

Oh and here was another funny moment. I was pulling the dyna's by buzzing by them, the minions don't give as long chase, while doing a pull, I . . well I had pulled into another Dyna by mistake, so now I had a 60+ and a 80+ dyna. Took me longer then I wanted to lose the 80+

[img] ... chxcpr.jpg[/img]

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Post by Llie » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:55 am

Uragon wrote:
Llie wrote:2HE Advy
Sorry to cut this apart and answer only to this, but: Why would you make a 2HE Adventurer? The main supported lines for the profession are 1HE and Pistols, both dualwielded. And there are great weapon options even for froobs that will be useful all the way to level 200.
sorry typo. 1HE dual wield was what my mind was thinking when my fingers went ahead and typed 2HE. The 1HE line is probably got good stuff until near end game when pistols suddenly become a better choice (except for froobs, who should just stick to dual crispy chirops or gelids or some such).

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Post by Llie » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:52 pm

The dyna levels on the map is sort of the "average level of the dyna boss". You should expect the dyna boss there to be plus or minus 5 or so levels (sometimes even 10!) off from the printed number.

Also, I've noticed that dyna boss HP "scales" with the QL and number of items that it drops. I've often killed level 150ish dyna bosses with 2 nukes only to find that it is carrying one or two QL 120ish items, whereas I've also really struggled with some other level 150ish bosses and after fighting for half an hour found packed full of QL 180-200 items. Also keep in mind their various shield auras and your damage type, there can be additional difficulties. So, don't assume that the level of the dyna boss strictly determines how hard/easy it will be to kill.

Fighting as a pistol advy is pretty straightforward, and unfortunately pretty difficult. You don't have any roots. Your calms only work when the mob isn't already in a fight, so you cannot use them to deal with adds. You need to practice your pulling technique as I stated before. With Dyna camps, that may mean drawing away one little mob at a time until you can pull the dyna boss away. Once pulled away, its just a matter of shooting and healing yourself.

The plus side of being a pistol advy is that you can deal with melee and ranged mobs the same way, whereas, agents, for instance can't use their "root and shoot" method of dealing with hard mobs to fight high level cyborgs, since if the agent can shoot the cyborg the cyborg can likely shoot the agent.

As for your failure to attack, that could have been the result of lag spikes. I have suffered death at the hands of many dyna bosses that I should have been able to kill thanks to lag giving the mob the advantage over me.

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Post by Tazerman » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:50 am

Silvana wrote:If you use any custom planet map, they also mark where the dynacamps are and those can be a good indication of the level of the mobs nearby within a 10 level range or so.

I'm actually working on a little project right now trying to play as a froob, from scratch, no org help or high level alts to get cash from. Considering the idea of not using guides to do anything either since someone brand new wouldn't know where to find those.

We'll see how fast (if) I give up, since a real froob can get super impatient lol

its just hard to start out as a froob no money etc... Usually if I find a new player I'll try to help them out a bit maybe 1-2m and a weapon if I have one for em just trying to help them get started ;-)
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Post by Snakebite » Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:14 am

Tazerman wrote:its just hard to start out as a froob no money etc... Usually if I find a new player I'll try to help them out a bit maybe 1-2m and a weapon if I have one for em just trying to help them get started ;-)
I must have given hundreds of millions and who knows how many hours to newbies over the years lol.
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Post by Silvana » Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:28 am

Snakebite wrote:
Tazerman wrote:its just hard to start out as a froob no money etc... Usually if I find a new player I'll try to help them out a bit maybe 1-2m and a weapon if I have one for em just trying to help them get started ;-)
I must have given hundreds of millions and who knows how many hours to newbies over the years lol.
You give hundreds of millions to non-noobs :P

I am writing a guide about making money and the viability of froobs though, so look for that :)

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Post by Tazerman » Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:18 am

Snakebite wrote:
Tazerman wrote:its just hard to start out as a froob no money etc... Usually if I find a new player I'll try to help them out a bit maybe 1-2m and a weapon if I have one for em just trying to help them get started ;-)
I must have given hundreds of millions and who knows how many hours to newbies over the years lol.
And that's what I want to see more of in AO there were 4 people that helped me when I was new and if they Were not there I wouldn't be either and trust me its not easy as a froob starting out with CRED: 0 :P ofc we have all been there too

Btw snake/silv what's it guys names in-game?
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Post by Silvana » Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:19 pm

Funny enough, I work on the site more than I get in the game, but I log in either as Silvana or my main, Endia ;)

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Post by Tazerman » Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:21 pm

Silvana wrote:Funny enough, I work on the site more than I get in the game, but I log in either as Silvana or my main, Endia ;)
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Post by Snakebite » Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:56 pm

For various reasons I keep my Forums identities seperate from my ingame identity, but I'll PM you them...
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