PvP - Froob200 pvp tournament, Results and Video!

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PvP - Froob200 pvp tournament, Results and Video!

Post by Lusto » Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:31 pm

Event Calendar Entry:
[img]http://www.ao-universe.com/website/imag ... r/sf_1.png[/img] Froob200 pvp tournament, Nov 19th

Event on: Atlantean
Event Time: [usertime=1321729200] (your time)
Event Duration: aprox. 2 hours

Event Description:
The third Froob200 pvp tournament will be held on Saturday November 19th, starting at 19:00 GMT and lasting about two hours. Like previously there will be two events, self buffed one-to-one knockout cup and free mass fight. Tournament will be held in Omni-Ent Arena.

Knock-out tournament will be self buffed without exceptions. There is special rule to reduce trader dominance: traders are not allowed to use nanite drains. I will take care of the pairing, it will be random pairing with a twist - I try to make pairing so that people would get to fight new opponents and professions as much as possible.

The mass pvp will be most likely Froob200 vs. 220. I have Kesher volunteering to take stand against us. If something happens then will will be the familiar all-against-all fight. Last one standing will be the winner, alliances, tactics and deals are allowed. This one is dirty fight. But there can be only one winner so please fight it out in the end.

- Have fun!
- Sportsmanship!
- Participants must be level range: 159 - 200 froobs (everyone needs to be able to fight a level 200)
- Traders must not use their nanite drains.

- Venue: Omni-Ent Arena, Froob200 raid bot,
- Selfbuffed Knock-out cup,
- All-against-all gankfest with free buffing.
(Attention: This event has changed!)
(Click here to see Calendar Events)

Video from the event by Rszmit, the end in particular is hilarious with froobs fighting a 220:

Last edited by Lusto on Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Snakebite » Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:56 pm

Do we have a spelling mistake in the title of this event?
Don't make me come in there and Moderate you!

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Post by Silvana » Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:00 am

Not anymore. Fixed the calendar entry too.

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Post by Lusto » Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:22 pm

Thanks for fixing it, what ever it was. (I guess wrong time.) While at it, it is marked as RP event although it should be PvP.

Feel free to drop by to watch how froobs do it, even if you are overqualified to participate.

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Post by Silvana » Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:33 am

It said "roob200" before on everything ;)

Fixed the tag too, should stay PVP now.

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Post by Lusto » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:54 pm

Small change of plans, after the main tournament, the FFA fight will be most like changed into Froob200 vs. Kesher, level 220 Soldier fight.

For those who don't know, Kesher is one of the first level 200 froobs (well 199 who declined to get the level 200) and he is one of the first who had the dream of froob raids. The perfect opponent, a forefather from pre-Froob200 days.

What is your bet, how many teams of froobs do you need to challenge a Vindicator?

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Post by Lusto » Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:34 pm

Fun tournament with eight participants and few observers. Again we got a new winner, Rszmit, a level 200 fixer.

On the first match we had a fight between NT vs. MA. Roots and range was decisive advantage in this fight with NT staying mostly out of the harms way.

The second match was Soldier vs. MP. Soldier put TMS on and MP was dead after few shots. Omni-Pol will be investigating Carrion for excessive violence and unfairness.

Third match was a long gun fight between two agents. One of them won.

Fourth match was Fixer vs. MA. Another round where roots would play a role, however this time much smaller extent. MotR gave MA some time to land hits and Fixer had his share of pain.

Second round had a fight between NT and Agent, which was over with couple of head shots and long buller rain between fixer and soldier. This time evades won reflects.

In finals fixer and agent faced of in violent gunfight. It seemed to be all over with Agent winning. But then agent got rooted and Fixer escaped behind the pillar in middle of the Arena! He got himself time to heal up and came back to continue fight, this time winning with small margin.

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Post by Lusto » Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:41 pm

After the tournament we all entered the ring with our quest star, Kesher, a 220 soldier. We started with just sparring - that is Kesher standing and froobs comming at him with everything they got. After the sparring fight started, Kesher was very polite and gave us good fight, shooting froobs down slowly and (relatively) gently.

If froobs get their act togather and work as team better, there could be a chance. Now many crucial buffs and professions were missing. The 220 needs to be showered with debuffs and AS so much that it starts to hurt. Two teams, probably three teams and then we are talking.

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Video link

Post by Lusto » Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:59 pm

Rszmit made a video of the fight. The Kesher fight especially is very entertaining. On the way to video, you may visit our main forum, aofroobs.com :).

http://www.aofroobs.com/forum/viewtopic ... =75#p99590

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