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Post by Cariadast » Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:30 am


The AO community continues to amaze in so many ways! While we have worked hard to ensure that many of your questions can be answered using Anarchy Online Universe, we revel in other's hard work for the community as well!

This week we want to celebrate and point out Reddit user Sparklyfoot released: FAFFY’S ANARCHY ONLINE FROOB GUIDE

Sparklyfoot states that it covers everything from what to do after leaving Arete, how to make money, the new bots, a leveling guide, how to gear up, and a profession-specific section.

They have also included several other resource and guide links as well as resources for a weapon guide and an IP distribution guide.

We appreciate the effort that goes into such a guide. This current guide seems more focused on RK than SL but it is well-written and organized at our first look!

Please take a look at the AO Reddit Post for any questions or suggestions and the full FAFFY’S ANARCHY ONLINE FROOB GUIDE.

Thank you Sparklyfoot for your dedication to the AO community, and great work!
jacqueline of all trades, master of almost none :D Im the "Give me a day or so....I'll learn, I'll fix and I'll do it" girl :D

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