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Don K Ballsac
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Post by Don K Ballsac » Sat Dec 24, 2005 6:34 pm

I've been looking around at the boards for tips and found Clicksaver. I installed it and tried to follow Agaille's guide. However, it doesn't seem to be working like described. According to the website, it seems as though I should be able to open the mission window ingame and hit "request missions". With that, a summary of all five should appear in Clicksaver, but it isn't for me. Am I missing something or is it not described well on the website? Thanx.

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Post by Trgeorge » Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:07 pm

Try to include more details about problems, there are quite a few things that could have gone wrong and it's imposible to tell from your description what...

Possible problems:
- you haven't updated db
- you didn't position mission window correctly
- you moved (or moved cursor) after you started request
- incorect info entered in CS (altho it should run then, just without any hits)

So try to give us more info, like are you getting credit deduction for pulling mission, is CS updated, did you "play" with any of the settings.

Of course there is possibility that either CS or AO is corrupt, but since re-instaling can take quite a bit of time, I'd try other possibilities in your shoes first.
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Post by Snakebite » Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:05 pm

You've got to have ClickSaver running for it to work like that.

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Post by fixtina » Sat Feb 04, 2006 6:09 am

you are running in windowed mode?

you need teh mission box to be at tehvery top left edge of your game window so that the top and left hand edges are just touching the sides of the box but not over lapping.

failing that get eth clicksaver beta. ive no idea why but one of m6y machines completly refuses to run the finished version, but the beta is fine to get it.

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