Articles - Interview with A.R.S, January 2008
I was lucky enough for not just the President of A.R.S to want to help answer the questions AO Universe had arranged, but many others of the organisation, including General Lassiee.. so without further ado, here is what we found out!AOU: When was your org founded?
A.R.S: We were founded in August of 2002 by Ingrate also a Crazyharry charactor. Which means that our org has has the same leadership for all these years. That is uncommon on Omni or Clan sides.
AOU: Who is your current leader?
A.R.S: Crazyharry, who runs a fair leadership only expecting you to give back what you would take. Which I think most org presidents would be like that.
AOU: Can you please describe any past growing pains...
A.R.S: Yes during our first year we were losing alot of people once they got to 150-180. To combat this we started looking at other small to middle sized orgs we thought had the same philosphy as we did. We approached them discussed our problems/concerns found that they were in the same boat we were and The Alliance was born. The main purpose of this was to provide teaming/buffing/raiding opportunities beyond just our own orgs abilities while maintaining the small org/family enviorment that we so enjoy.
AOU: How many folks do you usually actively have at any given time?
A.R.S: I would say that right now we have a very active group and family of about 10 and with the average of 5 on at any given time.
AOU: Do you participate in PvP/Tower Battles?
A.R.S: We do participate in PvP and Tower Battles Just not the worst or best at it. We have fun doing it and are always running around helping out when possible.
AOU: Do you participate in Roleplaying?
A.R.S: Some of the org members do. We are a member of the COT. I would say that I am one of the more active roleplayers in our org.
AOU: What orgs/clans are you friendly with?
A.R.S: We are friendly with most clan side people just because they are clan. But we have this awesome alliance with 10 other Orgs.
AOU: Which ones do you oppose?
A.R.S: If you cant say something nice then dont say anything at all... *giggles*
AOU: If you could change the game, selfishly for your own org/clan, what would you change?
A.R.S: Make it so that our towers never get attacked and that we could have a prettier place to hangout.
AOU: Can you describe a favorite org event or incident.
A.R.S: I think one of my personal favorites was when we celebrated ARS 5 years on Rubika and we had a party with a Dj and dancing at the Castle in Avalon. We had a good turn out. Another time would be when we had a party at ARS city for New Years and Zeephonz and others dropped the alien cloak to have a unexpected alien raid during the party, then did a draw for non-org members on arithmetic bots that dropped.
AOU: What do you do as a guild most when you are on Rubi Ka or in the Shadowlands?
A.R.S: We sometimes do raids on mobs and questing together on RK and then the shadowland well hmmm level level level isn’t that what they were made for?
AOU: Where is your favourite hangout spot?
A.R.S: Oh, An easy question finally… Backyard 2 of Old Athens.
AOU: Do your guild often hang out there together?
A.R.S: When we are online and doing implants or helping buff or something that’s where we are and if we are just hanging out yes you can find us there or at least one of us sitting there.
AOU: If there could be a server merge, would you want it to happen?
A.R.S: No, I don’t think so. I think that depends on what you are talking about merging servers since there is a German server and then you have Rk1. I think having separate servers is good give you more places to try new things and to try different charactors and meet new people. When on one server you tend to run into the same people over and over again.
AOU: How do you think that AO Universe could better suit your and your guilds needs in the future?
A.R.S: I think it does alright for me I find things here for shops roleplaying and so on so for personal use its great. For the Org I think it will introduce us to a new world and let others know how great we are and that we are a great group of people willing to meet and recruit you to the family if you are willing to be a part of it and contribute back to the community.
AOU: Thank you! *smiles*
AOU: Leet Pie or Chocolate Pie?
A.R.S: Phht. Of course Chocolate Pie.
AOU: Miir or Maria's fashion?
A.R.S: Maria's Fashions!! They are the best with great quality and great looks. Some are even alittle sexy when you are looking for that right man on Rubika *winks*
AOU: Cheesy Pufs or Cheese Doodles????
A.R.S: Damn Right, I want some Cheesy poofs!!
AOU: Are there any other comments you would like to make?
A.R.S: Over all as a group of people trying to make a life on Rubika and learning to survive its not always easy. We have a great group of people already working together and contributing to the community and still learning. We have open doors for more people to come into and join us. I wont say we don’t have problems sometimes but again I think in every family or org situation you are going to have some trouble or you wouldn’t grow together and united in your fight to survive.
Huge thank you goes out to all of A.R.S who made this interview possible!!
Last updated on 12.07.2011 by Khuri
Article written by Ukblizzard
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Article written by Ukblizzard
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