Stiletto Yalmaha
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IntroductionIn my opinion this is the sweetest ride in the game (yes, even better than the yalms introduced with Alien Invasion), it's just a beauty to behold.

Despite the high QL range of 160-200, the requirements are very reasonable. A QL 160 Stiletto requires 80 Vehicle Air skill, the same as a QL 30 Yalmaha XL - 29478. They do give you significantly more run speed though, which as of patch 18.7, determines how fast you fly.
Almost all the items needed to make it can be found in the tradeskill department of general stores, such as
Fair Trade in Borealis
. One exception is Cold Stones, which you can loot from pretty much any RK mob, but the drop rate is not high. Medusas seem to drop them on a regular basis, so you might want to pay a visit to the north-west area of Eastern Fouls Plains or eastern Deep Artery Valley. The other items are the BSEC and Steiner Flexipus Chassis, which are sold in Vehicle Stores (there's one Borealis - 650x615
next door
from Fair Trade). When buying parts from Fair Trade, keep in mind that Advanced Terminals can sell up to QL 200 items, at half the price of Superior Terminals.Borealis - 650x575
Some of the items are extremely expensive and you might want to find a trader friend and ask him to purchase the items for you. In our example, we're posting information on the QL of items and skill needed to build a QL 160 Stilleto, which is generally the most popular one. Keep in mind the numbers are higher for high QLs.
Required Itemsx36 | ||
Once you have all the parts, find yourself a skilled tradeskiller to assemble them. Be aware that during the following steps the tradeskilled items will become NODROP, except the final step. This means you cannot trade them with other players. The final step allows the tradeskiller to trade the Unmarked Yalmaha 29500 - The Stiletto to the owner.
The Tradeskill Process
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Requires 4.5x QL of the Cold Stone in Nano Programming. | |||||
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The Cold Stones must be at least 90% of the QL of the Reinforced NotuComm Wire. Requires 4.5x QL of the Wire in Nano Programing and 3x in Electrical Engineering. (The Cold Stones need to be QL 144+, the Reinforced NotuComm Wire needs to be QL 160, you need 720 NP and 480 EE.) |
Do these steps six times, and you should end up with six Complete NotuComm Circuitry, all ready for the next combination process.
Now comes the next two steps, be careful not to make a mistake. The target sets the final QL of the mesh. The source circuitry needs to be at least 90% of target one or higher.
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Require 4.5x QL of the Circuitry in Nano Programing and 3x in Electrical Engineering. (All circuitries need to be QL 160, you need 720 NP and 480 EE.) |
Put away the mesh for now, you will need it later on. Now you need to start building the body of the Yalmaha itself.
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Steiner Flexipus Chassis needs to be at least 90% of the QL of the Yalmaha 29500 - Stiletto Building Kit and you need 5.5x in Mecahnical Engineering and 3.25x in Electrical Engineering. (The Chassis needs to be QL 144, Stiletto Building Kit needs to be QL 160, you'll need 880 ME and 520 EE.) |
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Ganimedes Flux - Multi-Surface Engine must be at least 90% of the QL of the Yalmaha 29500 - Stiletto Building Kit - Step 1, you'll need 5x in Field Quantum Physics and 3.25x in Electrical Engineering. (The Engine needs to be QL 144, you'll need 800 in QFT and 520 in EE.) |
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Klang Orbiter MK must be at least 90% of the QL of the Yalmaha 29500 - Stiletto Building Kit - Step 2, you'll need 5x in Field Quantum Physics and 3.25x in Nano Programing. (Klang Orbiter needs to be QL 144, you'll need 800 in QFT and 520 in NP.) |
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BSEC needs to be at least 90% of the QL of the Yalmaha 29500 - Stiletto Building Kit - Step 3 and you need 5.5x in Mecahnical Engineering and 3.25x in Electrical Engineering. (BSEC needs to be QL 144, you'll need 880 ME and 520 EE.) |
Next, add the Mesh you built earlier.
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NotuComm Mesh needs to be at least 90% of the QL of the Yalmaha 29500 - Stiletto Building Kit - Step 4 and you need 4.5x in Nano Programing, 5x in Field Quantum Physics and 3.25x in Electrical Engineering. (Mesh needs to be QL 160, you'll need 720 NP, 800 QFP and 520 EE.) |
Registering your StilettoNow comes what may be the sweetest moment you will experience in AO... the last step to make the Stiletto... by your own hands!
Keep in mind that this will make your Stiletto NODROP, so never ever ask a hired tradeskiller to complete the last step for you!
You should now have in your possession a Yalmaha - 29500 - The Stiletto. I suggest that the first thing you do is... show off your Stiletto and make everyone around you drool in envy, hehe.
Last updated on 11.18.2020 by Saavick
Information originally provided by Windguaerd.
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Information originally provided by Windguaerd.
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