Nostalgic Guide - Phasefront Vendor
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Froob friendly vehiclesFaction: All Factions
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Phasefront Vendor is located on small artificial island on a lake just outside Newland City. With its oversized rotating display, it's really hard to miss.

As you make your way over the bridge to main area, you're greeted with display of hoverboards and your right and left.

At the main area, you're greeted by Phasefront Salesbot H-91. If you're interested, he'll give you some basic information on Phasefront's move on Rubi-Ka. But most players will be more interested in two shop terminals. One of them is selling Kits with AI social clothes and the other is selling new vehicles (in packs or solo).

Cost of single vehicle is 200 paid points for single Phantom and Ghost (hover boards), 250 for single Banshee, Spectre or Wraith, or 750-1000 paid points for Series Collection. As a time limited offer, it also sells Phasefront Mega Collection, which includes all vehicles, for 2000 paid points.
There are also 3 raised platforms around main area, each displaying different type of new flying vehicles.
Last updated on 08.23.2023 by Khuri
Information originally provided by Trgeorge.
Updated to reflect change with 18.3.9 (froobs can now wear AI social clothing)
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Information originally provided by Trgeorge.
Updated to reflect change with 18.3.9 (froobs can now wear AI social clothing)
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