Damage to Pet explained
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IntroductionMeta-Physicists have two nanos that are available in the OFAB shop, and when I first got them, I didn't quite understand how they worked. So I did some testing and eventually figured it out, and I thought it might be interesting to share my findings. The nanos I'm talking about are:
Sacrificial Bond lists the following effects:
- Modify Damage to Pet 25
- Modify Damage To Pet Damage Multiplier 75
And Sacrificial Shielding:
- Modify Damage to Pet 100
- Modify Damage To Pet Damage Multiplier 90
So what do these values mean?
Damage testI went to visit Professor Van Horn and fought him for a while, taking note of the damage. I picked him because he hits quite hard, but in a relatively small damage range so that every hit was constant min damage because of my ACs.
Without any reflects, absorbs or either Sacrificial nano running, he did the following damage on me:
Professor van Horn hit you for 1126 points of melee damage.
Then with Sacrificial Bond, he did the following damage to me and my three pets:
Sanngrithr was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 163 points of melee damage.
Hallgerthr was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 163 points of melee damage.
Aelflaed was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 163 points of melee damage.
Professor van Horn hit you for 847 points of melee damage.
Finally with Sacrificial Shielding:
Sanngrithr was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 713 points of melee damage.
Hallgerthr was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 713 points of melee damage.
Aelflaed was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 713 points of melee damage.
Professor van Horn hit you for 1 points of melee damage.
These values might not be immediately relatable to the values seen on the nano. The following calculations show how it works though.
The damage explained - Sacrificial BondIn the case of Sacrificial Bond, 25% of the damage on me is spread out over my 3 pets:
Base damage diverted to pets: 0.25 * 1126 = 281 (rounded down)
Base damage per pet: 281 / 3 = 93 (rounded down)
This means I take 3 * 93 = 279 less damage, which leaves 1126 - 279 = 847 damage.
The actual damage on the pets is modified by the Damage To Pet Damage Multiplier, which is 75%:
Multiplied damage diverted to pets: 1.75 * 281 = 491 (rounded down)
Multiplied damage per pet: 491 / 3 = 163 (rounded down)
The damage explained - Sacrificial ShieldingIn the case of Sacrificial Shielding, 100% of the damage on me is spread out over my 3 pets:
Base damage diverted to pets: 1126
Base damage per pet: 1126 / 3 = 375 (rounded down)
This means I take 3 * 375 = 1125 less damage, which leaves 1126 - 1125 = 1 damage. This may be surprising; I still take some damage despite having a 100% damage to pet modifier. The above notes on rounding show why this happens though.
The actual damage on the pets is modified by the Damage To Pet Damage Multiplier, which is 90%:
Multiplied damage diverted to pets: 1.90 * 1126 = 2139 (rounded down)
Multiplied damage per pet: 2139 / 3 = 713 (rounded down)
Number of pets and pet healthIf I have fewer than 3 pets, the formula works the same way, and damage is divided over fewer pets. Similarly I can cast a fourth pet to spread damage over more pets. This is with Sacrificial Shielding:
Trained Enigma Dog was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 20 points of melee damage.
Sanngrithr was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 534 points of melee damage.
Hallgerthr was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 534 points of melee damage.
Aelflaed was attacked with nanobots from Professor van Horn for 534 points of melee damage.
Professor van Horn hit you for 273 points of melee damage.
100% of the damage on me is spread out over my 4 pets:
Base damage diverted to pets: 1126
Base damage per pet: 1126 / 4 = 281 (rounded down)
The actual damage on the pets is modified by the Damage To Pet Damage Multiplier, which is 90%:
Multiplied damage diverted to pets: 1.90 * 1126 = 2139 (rounded down)
Multiplied damage per pet: 2139 / 4 = 534 (rounded down)
My Trained Enigma Dog only has 20 health though, which means he can't take the full amount of damage. His 20 health means he can reduce my damage with 20 / 1.9 = 10 (rounded down).
This means I take 3 * 281 + 10 = 853 less damage, which leaves 1126 - 853 = 273 damage.
Last updated on 09.12.2020 by Saavick
Written by Saavick.
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Written by Saavick.
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