Mausser Chemical Streamer
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Base for this weapon is a Premium Mausser Particle Streamer. The gun itself can be found as mission reward or bought in weapon stores such as in Faction: All Factions
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and Borealis - 613x685
. You cannot use a Mausser Particle Streamer - 404 found in general stores. Furthermore, it can be assembled using a Construction Manual bought in a Books Terminal. So getting the base is easy enough, but the same can't be said for the other parts needed. Andromeda - 3335.8x904.5
Apart from the Advanced Hacker Tool's QL, which can be bought from a Tools Terminal and must be at least 80% the QL of the Streamer, all the other parts must be at least 95% QL of the gun. The Compression Chamber for Chemicals and the Composite Barrel can be found in the Ranged Weapons Components Terminal. The Sheet of Curved Carbonum Plating is sold in Armor and Clothing Components Terminals. While all are shop sold, building a high QL one can be a pain because of the time spent shopping for the proper QL of items needed. Please also note that the QLs of the intermediate stages will be bumped up a bit if you have high tradeskills! Use the tradeskill window in order to adjust the final QLs.
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Requires x4.2 in Breaking and Entering Skill based on the QL of the gun. (The Hacker Tool is not used up in the process.) The QL will be bumped up a bit if you have a high B&E skill! |
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Requires x4.2 in Weapon Smithing Skill based on the QL of the Base. The QL will be bumped up a bit if you have a high Weapon Smithing skill! |
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Requires x4 in Mechanical Engineering and x4.1 in Weapon Smithing based on the QL of the Streamer. The QL will be bumped if you have high skills! |
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Requires x4 in Mechanical Engineering and x4.1 in Weapon Smithing based on the QL of the Streamer. The QL will be bumped if you have high skills! |
While skills needed to build this gun wont present a problem to any serious tradeskillers, hunting the correct QL of items needed, especially if we're talking about QL 200 gun, is a grave task.
Last updated on 01.03.2020 by Saavick
Information originally provided by Trgeorge.
Tradeskill process updated by Afreng.
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Information originally provided by Trgeorge.
Tradeskill process updated by Afreng.
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