Aggression Trimmer

Class: Engineer, Bureaucrat
Faction: All Factions
Level: All Levels
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Every pet owner wants to make his/her bot as powerful as possible, the reason why trimming bots is one of the most common tactics to enhance bots abilities. Trimming however does come at a price, by boosting one part of the bot's functions another is lowered. For example, if you use a Trimmer to raise the defense of your bot then the aggressiveness of it will be lowered. Trimmers can be purchased from general shops, but this specific Trimmer can only be built, and it has one will increase the chances of your bot keeping aggro on whatever it's fighting, at no cost of other skills. This means the pet owner will be less likely of getting attacked leaving his/her bot to do all the fighting. The lowest version Aggression Trimmer you'll be able to assemble is QL 30, keep that in mind when buying parts.

You will need the following items to make an Aggression Trimmer:

Found at the Melee Weapon Components booth
Found at the Pharmacy and Chemistry Components booth
Found at the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Components booth

All of them can be found at general shops. It could cost you a few hundred thousand credits, so be sure to have funds to make the purchases.

Now it's time to make your new Aggression Trimmer, which is just two easy steps:

Requires x1.8 Chemistry skill based on the QL of the Chemical Impact Injector. The XU-11 Serum needs to be within 60% of the QL of the Chemical Impact Injector for this combine to work. Note that the Modified Chemical Impact Injector will raise a few QLs during this process (use the Tradeskill Kit to check).

Requires x3.7 Mechanical Engineering*. The Modified Chemical Impact Injector needs to be within 90% of the QL of the Trimmer Casing for this combine to work. Use the Tradeskill Kit to adjust the final QL of the trimmer.

The Trimmer - Increase Aggressiveness requires Mechanical Engineering and Computer Literacy to use. Also the Trimmer only works on robotic pets... not on Metaphysicist pets. Bureaucrats who can afford the IP to increase Mechanical Engineering can use this trimmer on their robotic pet. A quality level 200 Trimmer requires 751 Mechanical Engineering and 551 Computer Literacy. You can no longer trim someone else's robotic pet.

Note: Remember that as you upgrade your bot to a stronger version, you should do the same with the Trimmer.

* May also require a small amount of Computer Literacy (less than x1.6).

Last updated on 07.06.2019 by bitnykk
Information originally provided by Windguaerd.
Tradeskill process updated by Afreng
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