Adventurer Guide o Doom (3/4)
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The Jack of All Trades
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Breed
3. IP
4. Weapons
4a. Melee Weapons
4b. Ranged Weapons
5. Armor
5a. Beginner Armor
5b. Intermediate Armor
5c. Endgame Armor
5d. HUD/Utils Alternatives
6. Implants + Symbiants
6a. Early Levels
6b. Mid Levels
6c. High Levels
6d. End Game Levels
6e. Symbiant Comparison List
7. Nanos
8. Perks
8a Shadowlands Perks
8b Alien Invasion Perks
9. Research
10. Playing as an Adventurer
11. Weapon Specials
6. Implants and Symbiants
To function optimally as any profession, implants and symbiants are essential. They buff a wide variety of skills and implants in particular can be extremely useful for twinking on that new piece of armor, weapon and other implants/symbiants.
As an adventurer you can choose a wide variety of effective implant setups. I personally try to focus as much as possible on weapon skills, nano skills and evades. For symbiants you can choose from three seperate Units. I will quickly go through them at the end of this section.
6a. Early Levels
For the start of your character, you will want to stick to implants. Mainly this is because symbiants are level locked and thus you can easily get on implants that buff a few skills a lot more than symbiants. The Pre-made implants that can be found in basic stores all across Rubi-Ka will do the trick if you are going to level fast, can't make implants on your own or don't have any friends available to make them for you. A full list of premade implants can be found at Famous Last Word's website. However, making your own implants will allow you to customize them to better suit your particular character. At the latest start considering custom implants when you can easily equip QL100 implants.
When you get to level 60 as a melee adventurer you might want to consider an Eye and Brain symbiant, however it is not completely necessary. Keep the eye as an implant if you are a ranged adventurer for the Pistol buff it gives.
6b. Mid Levels
As you close in on level 80-90 it might be time to start equipping a few more symbiants instead of implants. In addition to Eye (for melee) and Brain it could be a good time to see about getting a Chest, Waist, Leg and Feet Symbiants. 100-110 is a usual time to take a time-out and get on ql200 implants, in at least the weapon skill spots, it might take a bit of twinking but it is well worth the effort. Generally in this area of your leveling it comes to if you want to focus on 3 skills per implant slot with implants or get the benefit of several skills raised by a lesser amount via symbiants. I would suggest researching both options thoroughly to fit your own personal style.
6c. Higher Levels
In time you will want an entire symbiant setup. A usual place for this to occur is in the 130-160 range. Keep in mind that certain symbiants will be rather expensive, so it might be a nice idea to camp patterns on your own. The Left Wrist can possibly be kept as an implant for the added damage from Jobe Clusters and higher Multi Melee/Ranged it gives.
6d. End Game Levels
At End Game levels, symbiants is the way to go. However symbiants from QL250 onwards get a huge boost in requirements, so you will have to put forth a great amount of effort and acquire a lot of items to get them on. Atroxes and Nanomages especially will have big issues getting certain symbiants on. Any adventurer will do just fine with QL250-270 symbiants equipped.
For a ranged adventurer that is especially interested in PvP, Exterminator Ocular Enhancement seems to be a good option for that extra bit of punch with each hit. It adds to a lot of weapons and their specials, but does not buff any abilities or nano skills which means you will lose a lot of punch in your nano skill department. The requirements are also very steep, so be certain it will make you more effective before equipping it.
The EOE drops from Alien Generals and Admirals.
6e. Symbiant Comparison List
All symbiants listed below are QL300 for comparison purposes.

Intelligent Ocular Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Ocular Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Ocular Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Overall all three are extremely nice. Melee adventurers can use both Infantry for the Multi Melee or Support for the Intelligence. Ranged adventurers can use both Artillery for the Pistol and Multi Ranged or Support for Intelligence. Alternatively, Ranged Adventurers can go for Exterminator Ocular Enhancement

Intelligent Brain Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Brain Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Brain Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Personally I would easily pick the Support Unit symbiant for the Nano Resist, extra Psychic and Intelligence to help with getting higher symbiants in. However for ranged adventurers the Artillery Unit symbiant adds a bit of ranged init, but it does lack nano resist which the Infantry and Support Unit Symbiants does have.
Keep in mind that Support Unit Head Symbiants are in high demand and might be costly, so if you are stretched thin for credits or are just unlucky with the Pocket Bosses, you can get by just fine with the other two options.

Intelligent Ear Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Ear Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Ear Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Hands down Support Unit for the Nano Cost Modifier and Intelligence buff, in addition to NCU and XP modifiers. Infantry lacks the Nano Cost Modifier and Artillery lacks both XP modifier and Nano Cost Modifier.
Right Arm

Intelligent Right Arm Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Right Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Right Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Melee Adventurers will want the Infantry as it has melee skills. Ranged Adventurers will prefer the Artillery Unit for Fling Shot, Full Auto, Weapon Range and Nano Range.

Intelligent Chest Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Chest Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Chest Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Not much of interest for Pistol or 1he in the chest. Infantry gives you more HP so that's definitely my first choice. A thing to note, Support lacks Strength.
Left Arm

Intelligent Left Arm Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Left Arm Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Left Arm Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
For melee adventurers, Infantry for Brawl buff and AddAllOff. Ranged adventurers have no major weapon skills in left arm and can choose freely between the three. The Support Left Arm in particular might be of interest for the extra Nano Range and slight Nano Cost Reduction, however it does lack an AddAllOff modifier. The Artillery arm looks fairly lacking in modifiers.
Right Wrist

Intelligent Right Wrist Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Right Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Right Wrist Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Fairly easy choice. Artillery for Ranged, Infantry for Melee. Support doesn't buff your weapon skills at all, it does however give you NCU and a bit of Nano Delta, overall nothing to get excited about.

Intelligent Waist Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Waist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Waist Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Infantry unit buffs both Max Health and Body Development, unlike Artillery which has just Max Health, thus it gives more HP. Artillery however does have Full Auto which might be of interest to ranged adventurers that have gotten their JEPP. Support Unit lacks both evades and Body Development, it does redeem itself slightly for those that are very support orientated since it gives Nano Pool and reduces your nano cost.
Left Wrist

Intelligent Left Wrist Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Left Wrist Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Left Wrist Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
As with Left Hand, Left Wrist has very few available skills to modify. Pistol users will want an Artillery unit for Multi Ranged. Melee will want Infantry unit for Multi Melee. Ranged Adventurers may want to switch to Infantry after equipping their pistols as the Infantry implant has Damage Shield modifiers. Support unit has Nano Resist and shield, but no multi wield or add damage mods.
Right Hand

Intelligent Right Hand Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Right Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Right Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Another obvious one for the weapon buffs. Infantry for Melee and Artillery for Ranged. Support doesn't impress too much.
Thigh (Leg)

Intelligent Thigh Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Thigh Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Thigh Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Infantry is quite decent for melee adventurers, adds Melee Inits and evades, some extra damage shields and a bit of HP in the form of Max Health and Body Development. Artillery sports the same evades, Max Health and XP modifier. Support, while it does lack evades, does modify both Agility and Stamina as well as Skill Lock Modifier and Nano Interupt Modifers.
Left Hand

Intelligent Left Hand Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Left Hand Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Left Hand Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Left Hand is a fairly "dull" implant spot, not too many skills that can be modified. Both Artillery and Support are nice as they have Skill Lock Modifier. As Artillery has a Fast Attack buff as well it makes for a solid winner overall for both melee and ranged adventurers. The only upside to the Infantry Symbiant is that it adds to all damage shields. Even as melee, take the Skill Lock modifier over more damage shields.

Intelligent Feet Symbiant, Artillery Unit Aban
Intelligent Feet Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban
Intelligent Feet Symbiant, Support Unit Aban
Infantry wins this one once again, both AddAllDef and AddAllOff as well as shield buffs and regular evades. Artillery lacks AddAllDef and AddAllOff but does give Weapon Range which might be useful for certain pistols. Support might be an excellent addition for a very support-orientated adventurer because of the Nano Delta.
Previous Section: Weapons and Armor | Next Section: Nanos, Perks and Research |
For more info on symbiants in general, check out the extensive symbiant database created by TinkeringIdiot at TinkerPocket. The benefit of TinkerPocket over any of the item databases is that you can see which pocket boss is associated with which symbiant for each profession, check out the names of pocket bosses and what symbs they drop, and you can compare symbs on this site as well.
Last updated on 03.04.2023 by Cariadast
TinkerPocket courtesy of and created by TinkeringIdiot as part of AO TinkerTools
Originally written by Quilluck.
Updated on 10.17.2012 by Llie
Additional Information about Research Procs provided by Glarawyn.
Additional help by: Ophiuchus & Tinkerz.
Models: Nahuatl, Speedyadvy, Burntorun, Yoham, Darvi, Yaroze, Sinhound
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TinkerPocket courtesy of and created by TinkeringIdiot as part of AO TinkerTools
Originally written by Quilluck.
Updated on 10.17.2012 by Llie
Additional Information about Research Procs provided by Glarawyn.
Additional help by: Ophiuchus & Tinkerz.
Models: Nahuatl, Speedyadvy, Burntorun, Yoham, Darvi, Yaroze, Sinhound
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