Veteran Shops
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Update 18.8.13 has stopped veteran points from accruing. What you have is all you will get, though new characters will still be given that amount upon creation. The veteran point system has been replaced with subscriber rewards that are given based on your chosen subscription, with more items unlocking by purchasing longer subscriptions. For more details on the new subscription rewards, see our guide here.Faction: All Factions
Level: All Levels
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This is a way that Funcom thanked their paying customers. There is one shop for each faction, one in Rome Blue, one in Borealis and one in Old Athen, each in their respective tower shops. Another veteran terminal has been placed in the ICC HQ, also in a tower shop. First special thing about them is that they don't use credits, but rather points you gain each 6 months you pay to play. The other unique thing is what they sell, of course.
Veteran points gain per months played:
Paid time | Vet points awarded | Vet points total |
6 months | +1 Veteran point | 1 Veteran point |
12 months | +2 Veteran points | 3 Veteran points |
18 months | +3 Veteran points | 6 Veteran points |
24 months | +4 Veteran points | 10 Veteran points |
30 months | +5 Veteran points | 15 Veteran points |
36 months | +6 Veteran points | 21 Veteran points |
42 months | +7 Veteran points | 28 Veteran points |
48 months | +8 Veteran points | 36 Veteran points |
54 months | +9 Veteran points | 45 Veteran points |
There are a couple of things to note about points, the only months you actually paid are calculated. If you used a key for free month when registering, that month won't apply to your point's base. If you took a break from the game (and cancelled subscription or your Credit Card ran out in between), those months of break won't apply either. All characters start with the same amount of points, regardless of when they were created. Points are deducted for each character separately, so you can spend all the points on one character and still have max points on another.
Veteran shop inventory (all items are NODROP and Unique which means you can only own one and cannot be traded):
Costs 1 point. | Costs 3 points. | Costs 3 points. | Costs 1 point. |
Costs 2 points. | Costs 1 point. | Costs 2 points. | Costs 1 point. |
Costs 1 point. | Costs 2 points. | Costs 1 point. | |
Costs 1 point. | Costs 2 points. | Cost 1 point. | Costs 1 point, r-click to switch to another breed and gender version |
Costs 1 point. | Costs 2 points. | Costs 7 points. | Costs 3 points. |
Costs 3 points. | Cost 1 point. | Costs 5 points. | Costs 50 points. Using will send you to the insurance terminal or tree of life that you're saved at. |
Costs 3 points, if you use Veteran Healing Laboratory Upgrade on it, it will heal for more and lock for less time. Maximum of 4 upgrades possible. | Costs 7 points, it counts as 50 flat tokens. Not usable for neutrals. | Costs 1 point, right-clicking this item will spawn a QL 30 Yalmaha in your inventory which is the lowest Ql in-game. (req 81 Vehicle Air Skill) | Costs 2 points, using Screwdriver on this will create a new backpack that you can use to store items in. |
Costs 10 points, right-clicking this item when having a garden key equiped will teleport you to that garden. | Costs 10 points, right-clicking this item will teleport you to Rubi-Ka. | Costs 2 points, R-clicking thisitem will spawn 4 costume pieces. | Costs 2 points, R-clicking this item will spawn 1 boxing gloves. |
Costs 3 points, like the healing kit, will upgrade with it's respective upgrade kit, also in the veteran store. Maximum 4 upgrades. | Costs 5 points. | Costs 10 points. |
Protest Placard - LFT
Costs 3 points,
right-clicking this item will change the sign. The placard is based on faction as well
Large Zigball Banners - 4 Holes Cogs
Costs 1 point,
right-clicking it will change the team you're cheering for.
Zigball Banners - 4 Holes Cogs
Costs 1 point,
right-clicking it will change the team you're cheering for.
Zigball Pennant - 4 Holes Cogs
Costs 1 point,
right-clicking it will change the team you're cheering for.
Last updated on 01.28.2020 by Saavick
Information originally provided by Trgeorge.
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Information originally provided by Trgeorge.
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