The Canary

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The Canary

Location: 1157 x 1090, Aurum, 4 Holes.
The Canary
4 Holes - 1157x1090
is not a building you can enter, however there are tables outside. Although, should you be Omni and want to soak up the very Omni-centric design of this restaurant, you will most definitely need to wear full armour and take your gun! Since the clan take over of 4holes the Unionists in the area do not like Omni company.

The Canary.

Outside the restaurant.

The restaurant is reached either by grid and then travelling a little, or via whompa.

At the restaurant you are likely to meet two people. One is the hostess of the Canary, Jane Freud. She thinks that The Canary is one of the nicest restaurants I know of.... although she does admit that she might just be saying that because she works there.

Jane Freud.

On the terrace roof of the building, you will also find Brian Horn. He states he is the leader of "this" village, Chalceus. Although I was quite certain I was stood in Aurum!

Brian Horn.

He will quite happily tell you a little about the area and give you his warm opinion of Jane Freud.

Last updated on 11.22.2012 by Llie
Written by Ukblizzard.
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