Relax Bar

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I am not sure how anyone can actually
Omni Forest - 291x1863
with the strobe lighting that this bar has going 24/7.. but it is a nice spot for a party!


Location: 291 x 1863, Omni1 Screening Area, Omni Forest

Outside of the bar in Omni Forest.

The bar area is made up of just one room, but I am sure as soon as you walk in you will feel the atmosphere completely take over you! The bar is off to the right hand side and then there is a wonderful lit up dance floor.

The bar and dancefloor.

To the far left of the bar area is a lovely seating area and is great for those smaller parties!

The seating area.

Last updated on 11.26.2012 by Llie
Written by Ukblizzard
Map: Atlas of Rubi-Ka
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