Sector 10 Signal Relay

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Within Sector10, you need to collect items to spawn the bosses of the zone. It works similarly to the Pocketboss mechanic in the Shadowlands. You need to gather parts from the regular aliens in the zone, tradeskill them together and spawn them at certain points inside the zone.

So, what items do you need to gather to get this party started?


For each Signal Relay you will need four of these. They drop frequently off of all the aliens in Sector 10.

Another fairly common drop from the aliens. You will need 4 for each Signal Relay you wish to build.

A bit more rare than the Fuel Glands and Signal Amplifiers, these you will only need 1 of per Signal Relay.
X Compiler Unit
There are 4 different Compilers to be found (Alpha, Kappa, Rho and Sigma) and you will only ever need 1 of each of these.
X Crystal - Left Fragment
As with the Compiler Units, there are four different versions for each of the bosses (Alpha, Kappa, Rho and Sigma) and you will only need one of each of these.
X Crystal - Right Fragment
As with the Compiler Units, there are four different versions for each of the bosses (Alpha, Kappa, Rho and Sigma) and you will only need one of each of these.

Now that you have all your items.. it is time to start combining them!

Next fill the Teleportation Relay with Fuel Glands:

  +    =  

Requires 325 Electrical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering

X Crystal - Left Fragment
  +  Image
X Crystal - Right Fragment
  =  Image
X Tuning Crystal

Requires 325 Nano Programming

X Tuning Crystal
  +  Image
X Compiler Unit
  =  Image
X Tuning Unit - Inactive

Requires 325 Nano Programming

Right clicking the Tuning Unit - Inactive turns the item into a Tuning Unit, which is NODROP. The X Signal Relay however can be traded again.

Untuned Kyr'Ozch Signal Relay
  +  Image
X Tuning Unit
  =  Image
X Signal Relay

No skill requirements

Note: The Tuning Unit does not get used up in the process, which means all you need to gather to make another Signal Relay of that particular "Unit" is 4 Fuel Glands, 4 Broken and Powerless Signal Amplifiers and 1 Inert Kyr'Ozch Teleportation Relay.

Tuner (former generals):
Rho: East General
Sigma: North General
Kappa: West general
Alpha: Middle General

Congratulations! Now head into Sector 10 to pop out your "Alien Pocket Boss".
Best of luck!

Last updated on 02.14.2021 by Saavick
Written by Quilluck.
Info gathered by Quilluck & Ophiuchus.
Proofread by Ophiuchus.
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