Uncle Bazzit's Quests
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IntroductionDepending on how you do choose to do this quest it can be a lengthy quest, but often takes far less these days when done all at once. You can do it in smaller chunks and there is included suitable break points for you throughout the guide. There are three rewards for completing this entire quest line if you wish to do the entire quest as the last part is optional. The third reward may be found at the bottom of this guide.
Required in order to train the Alien Expertise 3 perk, except if you have Research Apotheosis 10 which required you to be AI 30 and level 220. |
Before you start, make sure you have a spare Hacker Tool. You will need it !!! These can be bought in any store and QL doesn't seem to matter. Note that this quest will require you to hand in the Hacker Tool, therefore tradeskillers should use a spare one rather than have the quest "consume" your primary Hacker Tool.
The QuestVisit Uncle Bazzit in
Uncle Bazzit's Workshop
in Meetmedere.Newland Desert - 1546x2723
Location: 1546 x 2723, Meetmedere

The man who will test your patience.
During your talk with him, ensure you tell him "It looks like something that could modify its head." during the conversation. After some talking he gives you an Unknown Device.
Talk to
Deidre Lux
Stret West Bank - 1260x2845
Location: 1260 x 2845, East Last Ditch. (Outside of Reet's Retreat on the left side near the tattoo vendor and Eddie.)

After some talking and looking at the Unknown Device, she gives you a weapon to return to the Vanguards. Make a note of what frequency she wants it tuned to. (write it down, it varies) The following section is slightly different if you are Clan or Omni-Tek sided.
Clan Mission Talk to
Ramon Bauer
Athen Old - 502x565
Location: 502 x 565, Old Athen East.
NOTE: This can be one of the most frustrating parts of the quest, since this NPC is very easily aggro'd.

Talk to Ramon Bauer

Ramon Bauer
When you finally get to show him the gun, he will ask for a favor regarding locating and tagging an Omni Officer and gives you a Modified Tracking Device
Commander Kend Ash
Omni-1 Trade - 436x421
Location: 436 x 421, Trade District.
NOTE: You may be PvP flagged from an Omni guard, which may mean Omni players ambush you as you try and tag the Commander.
After targeting Commander Kend Ash, return the Modified Tracking Device to Ramon Bauer and ask him to adjust the frequency of the weapon Deidre gave you. Remember the frequency we asked you to write down earlier? You now need to tell him the frequency that you want the gun tuned to. You'll notice that the choices he gives you aren't quite the same as the one Deidre gave you. Just round the number to the closest frequency from the list of choices. (eg. .00002198 would be rounded up to .000022 )
Omni Mission Talk to
Commander Kend Ash
Omni-1 Trade - 436x421
Location: 436 x 421, Trade District.

When you finally get to show her the gun, she will ask for a favor and give you a Modified Tracking Device.
Ramon Bauer
Athen Old - 502x565
Location: 502 x 565, Old Athen East.
NOTE: Another difficult point in the quest, since this is in Clan territory and you are likely to get PvP flagged (via a guard hitting you) and clan players may ambush you as you try and tag Bauer.
After targeting Ramon Bauer, return the Modified Tracking Device to Commander Kend Ash to adjust the frequency of the weapon Deirdre gave you. Remember the frequency we asked you to write down earlier? You now need to tell her the frequency that you want the gun tuned to. You'll notice that the choices she gives you aren't quite the same as the one Deidre gave you. Just round the number to the closest frequency from the list of choices. (For example if Deirdre told you the desired frequency is .00002198, it would be rounded up to .000022 )
Return to Deidre Lux
Now that you have the tuned weapon, return to Deirdre Lux. Hand her the weapon. You will then need to do a quest to become a member of the "Smokers Lounge".
At this point you can take a break, and come back to the quest at a later date. If you do, you will need to speak to Deidre Lux and she will be glad to pick it yp where you left off.
Smokers Lounge TestsYou will now need to complete a mini-fixer type quest to gain honorary membership to the "smokers lounge" an exclusive club that you need to be a member of in order for the Bazzit quest to proceed. This is a series of quick tests, so make sure you have allowed yourself time to do this. This is also the point in the quest line that requires a Advanced Hacker Tool. (Again, any QL will do and you will be required to give it to Deidre as part of the quest, so tradeskillers should make sure this isn't their primary Advanced Hacker Tool.)
Test 1. Test of SpeedRight click your Advanced Hacker Tool on the next 3 mobs, to progress the mission. You have one hour to complete the following three-step mission.

Cyborg Lieutenant Colonel
Pos: 1400.9, 532.3, 44.7, Area: Mort Crater.
(Can be found wandering at the Ruins on Mort Crater near Sentinels grid exit)
Cyborg Brigadier General
Same location as above
Prototype Inferno
Greater Tir County - 3232x2340
Inside Cyborg Barracks, Great Tir County.
NOTE: This is the same mob that a lot of soldiers kill for the soldier weapon. 20 minutes spawn timer.

Return to Deidre Lux
Hand her the Advanced Hacker Tool and in return, after some adjustments she'll give you a Linked Hacker Tool.
At this point you can take a break, and come back to the quest at a later date. If you do, you will need to speak to Deidre Lux and she will be glad to pick it yp where you left off.
Test 2. Access Denied.Time to spend some more quality time running errands.
Talk to Deidre Lux and show her the Linked Hacker Tool and she will give you a mission to retrieve back a Vanguard Node 19 Access Card. The mission is like a regular pick up mission, simply upload the coordinates and complete the mission.
NOTE: The level of the mission is dependent on your level, scaling up all the way to level 250. So unless you want to spend hours killing high level mobs learn to blitz. You have 6 hours to complete this mission however, so the old fashion way of killing everything will get you a sided token if you so wish.
You should eventually find Vanguard Node 19 Access Card in the mission. It will be an object box on the floor.
Pick it up and in your inventory you will see:
Return to Deidre and give her the Vanguard Node 19 Access Card and the Linked Hacker Tool. She will hack the Vanguard Node 19 Access Card and give you the results.
Test 3. The Hack.Continue talking to Deidre Lux and she will give you another mission. This time to hack into the Vanguard Node Controller, Vanguard Node 19. This is a "locate" mission. You will eventually find a Access pole in the mission which you can then interface with.

It can be quite tricky to navigate through the chat, but basically you need to print the logs out after you've deleted the records for Uncle Bazzit
If you are successful, the description inside the Vanguard Node 19 Logs Logs will read:
These are logs pulled from the Vanguard 19 Node hack. These logs contain no references of any kind to Uncle Bazzit.
If you are unsuccessful, the description inside the Vanguard Node 19 Logs Logs will read:
These are logs pulled from the Vanguard Node 19 hack. The logs contain references to transactions made on Uncle Bazzits account.
If you are having trouble getting the Vanguard 19 Node to print out the correct logs here's the shortest conversation path:
[Reveal] (Contributed by Nadab)
Click on "Run"
Click on "Link Node 2.3"
Then click on "Node 20"
Give: Hacked Vanguard Node 19 Access Card
Click on "Accounts"
Click on "Query"
Select "Open Uncle Bazzit's"
Click on "Purge User"
Click "Yes."
Click on "Accounts" again
Click on "Print"
Click on "Link Node 2.3"
Then click on "Node 20"
Give: Hacked Vanguard Node 19 Access Card
Click on "Accounts"
Click on "Query"
Select "Open Uncle Bazzit's"
Click on "Purge User"
Click "Yes."
Click on "Accounts" again
Click on "Print"
Return to Deidre Lux and show her the logs, and she will reward you with a Hacker Club Affiliate Card.
Continue chatting with her and ask her for further information on the "unknown device" Bazzit gave you. When she asked for it to scan, hand her the:
She will contact Ofoz and confirm the device as aKyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer, and will hand you back the corrected Kyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer.
After she tells you what she found out, and How to use the Structural Analyzer, continue chatting until you get to a point where you say "I must tell Bazzit about this"... You'll get a new mission to "update Bazzit on your progress"
Visit Uncle Bazzit in his workshop in Meetmedere.
Talk to Uncle Bazzit and say, "I have some information for you.". Then show him the Kyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer. Keep talking to him and ask him about the Omni-Tek department involvement. He will answer you and send you to show Ofoz your affiliation with the Smokers Lounge.
Note: Not asking: So do you know anything about the Omni-Tek department involved here?; may have to repeat the previous mission!
Hackers ConnectionOfoz
Newland City - 262x320
Location: 262 x 320, Newland City.

Talk to Ofoz and tell him you have an affiliate cards to show him. Give him the Hacker Club Affiliate Card. After he welcomes you as a friend of their humble organization, you need to ask him about the structural analyzer. He will ask for the Kyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer. Then he asks you to hack into an Omni Node for more information. He will give you a Remote Access Hacker Tool for the next mission.
This will be similar to hacking the Vanguard 19 Node mission. In the mission, locate the Omni-Tek Node pole. Click and target the pole and drop the Remote Access Hacker Tool on the Omni-Tek Node pole you find in the mission.

You should be rewarded with some Omni-Tek Node Logs. Return to Ofoz.
Return to Ofoz
Show Ofoz the Omni-Tek Node Logs. Then ask him if the log says who researched this new technology. Keep talking with him until he mentions finding records of shuttle crafts shipping personnel to secret military bases all over Rubi-Ka. Ask him and talk to him about the "Unicorns". He will tell you about them, and how he doesn't mess with them. He mentions knowing of only one person that has hacked Unicorn nodes and survived. After you ask him if that hacker can help you, he will send you to speak with Sirocco.
Athen Old - 282x210
Location: 282 x 210, Old Athen.

Show him the Hacker Club Affiliate Card, and select "The Truth must be found..." in chat, then "The Smokers Lounge Care and are organized" Then show him the Kyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer. Keep talking with him. He will tell you he's "done with that". When you ask him, "Done with what?quot;, he will talk about "disturbing information about the Unicorns", alien invasions, the opening of the Jobe portal to the Shadowlands, references to an autopsy. and an alien crash site.
Ask him about the autopsy and when he is done telling you the details, ask him about the alien crash site. In his final chat he will tell you that there is a reference to Dr. Zibell and Dr. Krank being involved with much in the log including the crash site. Then select "I have to tell Uncle Bazzit about this".
Return to Uncle Bazzit in his workshop in Meetmedere
Tell Uncle Bazzit that you have some updates regarding Kyr'Ozch technology. Show him the Analyzer and finally you will be rewarded with the Bazzit's Alien Library.
If you have trouble training the perk Alien Technology Level 3, you can speak with Bazzit again and choose the option "These library files you gave me, I can't access them.". This is a known bug and speaking with him again will give you a new library that should fix the problem and allow you to train the perk.
At this point you can take a break, and come back to the quest at a later date. ( You deserve a break by now )
NOTE: You can continue the quest if you wish to find out a bit more about the Kyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer and also receive a five slot belt as a reward item.
Vanguard Connection (optional)Continuation of the quest.
The final stage of this quest line is for a component belt deck.
Requires the Alien Invasion expansion, and is a nice alternative to Guardian Circuit Board or Dream Mesh Circuit for lower level characters. |
If you don't need that belt, then you do not need to complete this section. (We apologize for the cursory summary of this last section of the quest. Since most players are only interested in the first two rewards from this quest line, we have not placed a high priority on detailing this last section.)
Ramon being true to the Vanguard cause, doesn't want to reveal his information for free (if you're omni go to
Commander Kend Ash
). But talk to him about luck, and he will have a mission for you. All you have to do is to retrieve Stolen Goods. He'll then share information (free of any additional charge), revealing that he bought that device from Omni-1 Trade - 436x421
Eco Red
in Aegean at 626,1150. Aegean - 626x1150
Red isn't his former self... he's been transformed into hippie-like blubermouth. Just inquire about ecosystems and local wildlife and option to ask about this device will present itself. Unfortunately, he too is extremely busy and would really appreciate if you'd do him small favor while he tries to remember about this device.
So you set out, equipped with Scanning Device, after some local wildlife (they must be scanned in proper order). You can find Hammer Beast roaming around south part of Aegean, Rollerat in Clan BY, Monolith Bluebag in Varmint Woods (level 60 dyna west of Whom-Pah), Vulture Feuder SW of Hope, BS, Grass Snake in Omni BY and far NW in Greater Tir County, in the desert beyond the Wall. Now Red tells you what he knows about Alien crash and admits it was really his friend
Zibell the Wanderer
from Central artery valley at 3435,2650, who found this device. So now's time for trek to CAV. Central Artery Valley - 3432x2649
Note: Here's little advice/spoiler. Zibell and Dr. Krank are, well, they'd be called eccentric if they would be rich. You can bypass most of conversation just by trading needing item to them. You'd miss some interesting conversation though.
Strike a conversation with Zibell and try making him talk about Dr. Krank. When he starts to relax as he speaks about his counterpart, you feel it's good time to ask about Kyr'Ozch Structural Analyzer. Sure he could tell you about how he got it, but you shouldn't wind him up about Dr. Krank, this is only thing he can think about at the moment. The only option is to get rid of "good" doc. At this point you could go talk to Dr. Krank, but he won't share any information and definitely won't buge. (Here's friendly tip from Minimalist....I sure couldn't find any info what to do next in-game).
Travel back to Aegean and visit old friend
Dodga Demercel
at 610,1120. Ask him about his work for Council of Truth and about personnel shortage. He does have Omni-Tek Personnel Transfer Application and upon learning that it would help Uncle Bazzit, he'll gladly share it with you. Now get back to Central Artery Valley and visit Aegean - 600x1100
Dr. Krank
at 3205.0, 1766.0. He won't be thrilled about receiving transfer, but he has no choice, besides he probably won't remember it anyway the next day. Central Artery Valley - 2963.6x1316.6
Now Zibell is prepared to talk about the device and you learn that it wasn't him who found it (I'll leave you to dig this out).
Just revisit Dr. Krank and force the device upon him. He'll share information and even a QL100 Solid Clump of Kyr'Ozch Bio-Material to test it on. With this done you can return to Uncle Bazzit, who'll reveal a dark secret from the past and reward you with an Overclocked Belt Component Platform.
Last updated on 01.17.2022 by Saavick
Information originally provided by Herodotus2 and Trgeorge to the AI Library Forums.
Additional information provided by Windkeeper and Gimpeline.
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Information originally provided by Herodotus2 and Trgeorge to the AI Library Forums.
Additional information provided by Windkeeper and Gimpeline.
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