Sector 07 Alien Playfield
Table of Contents [+]
- 1. General Info
- 1.1 Getting There
- 1.2 The Unicorn Outpost to Sector 7
- 1.3 Inside the Ship
- 2. Missions
- 2.1 Unicorn Commander Rufus is Missing
- 2.2 Terminate the Alien Distress Beacon
- 2.3 Kill at least 30 aliens in Sector 7
- 2.4 Alien Parasites
- 2.5 Missing Power Core
- 3. Bosses
- 3.1 Control Leech (East)
- 3.1.1 Warped Mind and Will Power:
- 3.1.2 Pets and Warped Mind:
- 3.1.3 Using Hostile Nanos on Mind Controlled Players:
- 3.1.4 Tactics:
- 3.2 Kyr'Ozch Maid (center)
- 3.2.1 Adds:
- 3.2.2 Notes & Tactics:
- 3.3 Defense Drone Tower (West)
- 3.3.1 Zone Effect:
- 3.3.2 Mines:
- 3.3.3 Adds:
- 3.3.4 Tactics:
- 3.4 Kyr'Ozch Technician (Missing Power Core mission boss)
- 3.4.1 Adds:
- 3.4.2 A Going Away Present:
- 3.4.3 Tactics:
- 3.4.4 Tactics for the Charging Tower:
- 4. Loot
- 4.1 Victory Point Clumps
- 4.2 Power Core Parts
- 4.3 Viral Belt Component Platform Parts
- 4.4 Sector 7 NCUs
- 4.5 Special Edition Weapons
- 4.6 Kyr'Ozch Storage Box & Kyr'Ozch Storage Container
- 4.7 Lead Viralbots
- Index
- Refer to the Outpost map
- Refer to the Outpost map
- Refer to the ship map
- Refer to the Outpost map
- Refer to the ship map
- Refer to the Outpost map
- Refer to the ship map
- Index
- This boss is spawned
- Index
- Index
Class: All Classes
Faction: All Factions
Level: 151-200
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An alien ship has crashed on Rubi-Ka and the Unicorns have set up an outpost outside it so they can try to salvage any usable equipment they may find. Although there are still plenty of aliens left alive which makes things more difficult for both them and you.Faction: All Factions
Level: 151-200
Item Links:
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Feedback: Feedback-Thread
A Note on this Guide:
If you want the super abbreviated version just look at the headings, pictures and the small bit of centred text directly under those images. The rest is info to give you a solid understanding of how the related aspects work and suggested tactics. You don't need to read everything here, just the parts of interest.
1. General Info
1.1 Getting There
1.2 The Unicorn Outpost to Sector 7
1.3 Inside the Ship
2. Missions
2.1 Unicorn Commander Rufus is Missing
2.2 Terminate the Alien Distress Beacon
2.3 Kill at least 30 aliens in Sector 7
2.4 Alien Parasites
2.5 Missing Power Core
3. Bosses
3.1 Control Leech (East)
3.1.1 Warped Mind and Will Power:
3.1.2 Pets and Warped Mind:
3.1.3 Using Hostile Nanos on Mind Controlled Players:
3.1.4 Tactics:
3.2 Kyr'Ozch Maid (center)
3.2.1 Adds:
3.2.2 Notes & Tactics:
3.3 Defense Drone Tower (West)
3.3.1 Zone Effect:
3.3.2 Mines:
3.3.3 Adds:
3.3.4 Tactics:
3.4 Kyr'Ozch Technician (Missing Power Core mission boss)
3.4.1 Adds:
3.4.2 A Going Away Present:
3.4.3 Tactics:
3.4.4 Tactics for the Charging Tower:
4. Loot
4.1 Victory Point Clumps
4.2 Power Core Parts
4.3 Viral Belt Component Platform Parts
4.4 Sector 7 NCUs
4.5 Special Edition Weapons
4.6 Kyr'Ozch Storage Box & Kyr'Ozch Storage Container
4.7 Lead Viralbots
1. General Info
1.1 Getting There

Use the white and blue panel in the center to get into the Sector 7 Unicorn Outpost.
Like the other APFs you'll find the initial entrance in the Unicorn Outpost. In this case though rather than on the ground floor it's on the end of a walkway at the opposite end of the spiral staircase and above the tent where NPCs such as the one that gives out the LE missions is located. You'll need to be level 151-200 to gain access to the Sector 7 Unicorn Outpost.
1.2 The Unicorn Outpost to Sector 7

The primary points of interest in the Outpost.
When you enter you'll find two NPCs that give missions in Sector 7 and an insurance terminal to your left. If you plan on spending much time in Sector 7 it'd be a good idea to save at this terminal to avoid a potentially long run back.

Fences won't hurt you, the aliens on the other hand don't fare as well.
Towards the middle you'll find another mission related NPC, some fences and Unicorn troopers fighting the aliens. You don't need to worry about the fences, they won't hurt you but they do instantly kill any alien that tries to go through them.

Don't waste your time fighting these or go AFK near the ship.
The aliens that spawn in the Outpost are not aggressive but they are social. Do not waste your time fighting them though as they will not give you any AXP, XP/SK, creds from their corpse or loot. Should you find yourself agged by them just get them to chase you through a fence or near some Unicorn troopers.
If you plan to go AFK for any length of time in the Outpost it'd be best to do so near any of the three mission related NPCs. Thing is that while the mobs that spawn here aren't aggressive the Alien Larvae that erupt from infected players heading to see the Omni-Med Field Surgeon are. So if you went AFK near the ship entrance you could be agged by an Alien Larvae then in turn agged by the aliens that spawn at the ship entrance which will eventually lead to your death.

The entrance to the ship, you'll need to be in a team.
In the Southeast you'll find the downed alien ship, you'll need to hop up into the circular entrance in the middle. To get inside you must also be in a team and you'll need to remain in a team to stay inside.
Your team's own instance of the ship will be generated when you enter but should no one be inside for more than about two minutes it will be lost. Two minutes though should give everyone plenty of time to run out to see a mission NPC in the Sector 7 Unicorn Outpost and get back in before losing your instance. At times though it may end up not lasting that long but much more often than not it will remain for about two minutes. Although if you want a new instance quickly break and reform your team before heading back in.
1.3 Inside the Ship

The layout to the ship and where things are.

Notice the alien corpse decor which helps give the impression of being in a crashed ship.
The nearly fifty regular mobs inside the ship are always located in the same spots, most are stationary but some patrol around and none will respawn after you kill them. While patrolling aliens are always the same type in each instance the type of the others are randomly generated and the level of all of them is randomly selected from between 175 and 200. Regular mobs shouldn't pose too much of a threat if you're decently set-up and around level 170+ or in a good team. Although most types do have a good bit of health and the nuker (Ankari) aliens can be a pest.

The three basic models of regular aliens in the ship.
2. Missions
2.1 Unicorn Commander Rufus is Missing

It takes a bit of convincing but eventually Unicorn Field Marshal Kurth will give you a task to locate Unicorn Commander Rufus last seen going inside the ship.
Rufus will only be found in the ship if someone in the team has this mission before the instance is generated.

Rufus's path out and where more Kyr'Ozch Prison Guards spawn.
You'll find Rufus imprisoned in a room as shown in the above map with a couple Kyr'Ozch Prison Guards in there with him. Before freeing him though it would be a good idea to clear out the aliens around the green path in the above map for the rooms it enters.
Kyr'Ozch Prison Guards you'll find hit like they're armed with pillows and have poor aim to boot. So they're not dangerous but the Kyr'Ozch Prison they can drop on one of you acts like a stun and makes them annoying. The Kyr'Ozch Prison is a nano so using initiative debuffs on the Prison Guards would be a good idea and you can interrupt their use of it with melee attacks.

Unicorn Commander Rufus, a Kyr'Ozch Prison Guard and the Strange Device.
When you're ready right click the Strange Device seen on the far right of the above image then talk to Rufus. Only one of the people with the mission will need to talk to him as the mission will update for the others as well. After a bit of complaining about his new green hair colour Rufus will head out of the ship following the green path in the above map (to be safe leave the chat window open till he starts to run out of the room). Along the way more Kyr'Ozch Prison Guards will spawn with one at each of the red dots in the map.
After Rufus has left the ship the mission will complete and three more Kyr'Ozch Prison Guards will spawn, one at each red X. To make things easier it'd be a good idea for everyone in the team to stand North a ways of the North X before Rufus runs out. This way you don't have all three Prison Guards attacking at once.
After talking to Rufus he will adopt the faction of your team which prevents people from accidentally tabbing and attacking him. Although if in a mixed side team it can still happen. If someone does piss off Rufus that person should run out of the ship then come back in. Once that person has left for a moment Rufus will resume following his path.
You will get 75k AXP upon completion. This mission can only be done once.
2.2 Terminate the Alien Distress Beacon

The aliens are trying to call in reinforcements so Unicorn Field Marshal Kurth wants you to go in to blow up their Distress Beacon and gives you what you'll need to do it with.

Once you're ready one of the people with the mission must select their Unicorn Nanobot Bomb and click it on the Alien Distress Beacon. This will blow it up completing the mission for everyone in the team that has the mission and cause four level 200 aliens to spawn, one near each of the four corners of the room. After the mission is completed the others that still have their Unicorn Nanobot Bomb could just delete them.
You will get 75k AXP upon completion. This mission can only be done once.
2.3 Kill at least 30 aliens in Sector 7

After completing the Alien Distress Beacon mission for him Unicorn Field Coordinator Owen will send you in to kill thirty aliens inside the ship. Only the regular mobs in the ship will be counted, Kyr'Ozch Prison Guards, bosses and their adds are not.
You will get 20k AXP upon completion. This mission can be repeated and has no lockouts.
2.4 Alien Parasites

In the Kyr'Ozch Gene Pool room you'll also find the Alien Gene Bank on the Northwest corner of the pool.

An Alien Larve, freshly hatched from your own body.
When you right click it you'll be infected for ten minutes causing Alien Larvae to erupt from your body periodically. These things don't have too much health but also don't give you any AXP, XP/SK, creds or loot. You will also get a new mission to see the Omni-Med Field Surgeon in the middle of the Sector 7 Unicorn Outpost with a nine minute time limit.

Run out of the ship and talk to the Omni-Med Field Surgeon to be cured and get your reward.
To make things easier and safer it'd be a good idea for half the team to do this mission at a time. Half will be infected and do nothing but run out to see the Omni-Med Field Surgeon while the others kill the Alien Larvae that spawn in the ship. Then when the first group gets back you switch.
While outside the ship don't bother killing the Alien Larvae. Instead just run to the Omni-Med Field Surgeon and let the fences or Unicorn troopers deal with the Alien Larvae and any extra agg you pulled. Also remember that an Alien Larvae will always spawn right after you zone.
You will get 20k AXP upon completion. This mission can be repeated but the Omni-Med Field Surgeon will put the Parasite Removal nano (lasts two hours in 18.4.1) in your NCU which prevents you from being infected while it's active and can not be removed.
2.5 Missing Power Core

In a room on the East end of the ship you'll find the Empty Power Core Slot. When you right click it you'll receive a mission with a three hour time limit to get a Power Core. The three parts to make it are dropped by the three bosses in the North end of the ship.
When the team is ready everyone should right click the Empty Power Core Slot to get this mission. After someone selects the Power Core and clicks it on the Empty Power Core Slot the Kyr'Ozch Technician (last S7 boss) will spawn in the room with four towers and everyone will get a new mission to kill the Kyr'Ozch Technician before it can finish repairing the ship which has a three hour time limit. Once the Kyr'Ozch Technician is dead you'll get your reward.
You will get 20k AXP upon completion. This mission can be repeated and has no lockouts.
3. Bosses
All four bosses are level 210, have various tricks and tons of health. At the start at least none have an in combat heal delta but three of them have other ways of recovering their health.
Referenced damage were regular hits against my lvl 200 char which had about 9k-10k ACs, a 30% reflect shield and was during the 18.4.0 patch. Damage listed in brackets relate to some type of nano attack and is their base damage which would be reduced by reflect shields.
Everyone should have their "Nano Effects" and "Other Effects" active and fighting/nano target NCU windows open. These will give you some warning during these fights so you can avoid trouble or deal with it more effectively.
3.1 Control Leech (East)

It can take over your mind, and may want to eat it too.
Of the four bosses this one is the most straightforward only able to attack you directly and use just one special ability. It can use three damage types with melee being the weakest at about 400-500 damage while the other two (chem & rad) hit me for about 800-1k damage.
3.1.1 Warped Mind and Will Power:
Target attack. | AoE attack. | What controls you. |
The real concern is its ability to mind control a player using Warped Mind nanos that will cause those players to attack others in the team which can create a lot of chaos. Although mind controlled players only attack those they can see. So if everyone else was outside the room then or the player was in the ship alone Warped Mind acts almost like a stun instead. A mind controlled player can still use items and perks that are self only or used on your nano target though.
The Warped Mind attack nanos come in two types, target and AoE. There's no warning before the target one hits but the AoE one gives you a short warning (4.9 seconds in 18.4.0) by way of a red hostile nano in the NCU of the Control Leech and an orange nano effect flashing around the Control Leech.
Warped Mind will affect you for a while (nine seconds in 18.4.0) and to avoid taking multiple hits checks if you're already under the influence of Warped Mind. After it times out you'll get a Will Power nano in your NCU which prevents Warped Mind from affecting you while it's active (twenty seconds in 18.4.0).
Other players will not see either Warped Mind nor Will Power in the NCU window of the player affected by either. So communication between players can be important.
3.1.2 Pets and Warped Mind:
Pets are not affected by Warped Mind nanos (at least in 18.4.1), they will although attack other players if the pet user happens to be mind controlled. Mind controlled players also will not attack pets, even if there was nothing else to attack nor will they attack the pet user if they can't be seen. So as long as the tank can hold agg pet users can safely send in their pets to attack the Control Leech and use their heal pet to heal the tank as well.
3.1.3 Using Hostile Nanos on Mind Controlled Players:
Hostile nanos like snares and roots can also be used on a mind controlled player. Although only if they attack the person that can use those nanos.
3.1.4 Tactics:
This one is all about limiting the chaos mind controlled players can cause as other players attacking you can be worse than the Control Leech itself.
If someone can manage this on their own it will be the safest and easiest method, especially for everyone else in the team. Mainly you need a way to avoid being hit and hopefully some way to heal yourself reasonably well too.
Heal Pets or Peak-a-boo Helpers:
You basically have someone that can't quite solo it but with a bit of heals or absorbs can manage it. Heal pets make for the easiest and rather effective helpers. Just put heal pets on the tank, the tank pulls the Control Leach to around the Southwest corner of the Control Leech's room then pet users use assist to target the Control Leech and send their attack pets in. The whole while pet users stay out of sight in the large room just West of the Control Leech's room and South of the door a ways.
With player helpers the helper hops in real quick while the other player is not mind controlled or has Will Power active and fires off their heals or absorbs then ducks out of the room. If the Control Leech decides that's a good time to fire off Warped Mind then the helper would needs to run around (see the below "Kite" map) till it ends so everyone else in the team needs to stay somewhere else.
Pass the Baton:
One person goes in and fights it till they're dead or just about dead then the next goes in and takes over. If you can pass agg well enough the next person can come in preferably while the current one has Will Power active then ducks out of the room quickly as the next pulls agg.
Snares to the Rescue!:
Just keep spamming snares while your range fighters attack it. All players will need to stay outside of the range of its Warped Mind nanos (20m in 18.4.0).
The tank could also go in with only players that can use roots/snares then pull the Leech to the far North end of the room while the others stay near the South end. Once the tank is mind controlled the player the tank is sent to attack roots/snares the tank to keep him/her away and keeps spamming roots/snares. After Warped Mind times out the tank pulls the Control Leech back to the far North end and the cycle repeats.

Basically you want just one person in melee range which will be trying to hold agg and will be the one getting hit with Warped Mind while everyone else stays well back and fights from range. This can work but can also go very wrong if others get hit by Warped Mind too or the the tank loses agg.
You start with the tank bringing the Control Leech up to the far North end of the room while everyone else stays around the South door of the room. Once the tank is hit with Warped Mind the others need to run around in a manner such as in the above image (clockwise). Once the Warped Mind nano ends regroup in the Control Leech's room as you were at the start and repeat till the Control Leech is dead. Everyone would need to stick together fairly well when running or else it can get rather messy. You could try running around in the room the Control Leech is in but that makes it more likely for things to go bad.
3.2 Kyr'Ozch Maid (center)

It won't clean your house but the Maid and especially its adds can mess you up.
This is one of those bosses that are easy enough on its own but its adds can be a real pain. The Maid hits me for about 400 melee damage, 800 chemical and radiation damage and has an ok AR. It can't move so like other such bosses it can warp and root players on its hate list that are outside of a certain range from it so it's best if everyone stays somewhat close to it.
3.2.1 Adds:
As you knock the Maid's health down Kyr'Ozch Nurses and Kyr'Ozch Guardians can spawn from the little pocket rooms on the West side of the room. They although will only spawn the first time you bring the Maid's health down to a given point and the interval between points is about 1.5 blobs of health in 18.4.1. How many are spawned at a time and which ones seem random but you'll generally get one to four at a time.

What horrors lie asleep inside these?
The cocoons in the pool just South of the Maid may also pop open during the fight releasing a single Kyr'Ozch Offspring. Only one pops at a time but a cocoon popping open is based on random chance so you may see none to all three of them open during the fight.
Kyr'Ozch Guardian:

No matter how much you may want to, NEVER kill these. Calm, snare or root them away if possible.
These use the nuke Viral Pain (2k-3.5k damage with an 80% NR check in 18.4.0), get them out of the way fast once they spawn. Although these must NEVER under any circumstances be killed. Killing one of these acts as a trigger to instantly spawn two more Kyr'Ozch Guardians making winning the fight impossible in time if you kill enough of them.
Thankfully they can be snared, rooted and even calmed so calming would be the easiest way to deal with them. Everyone just needs to refrain from using any type of AoE attack or taunt while calmed Guardians are around.
If no one has calms pull them a good ways from the Maid and snare/root them so they can't nuke people. If no one has any of those you can try to tough it out while your healer/s try to out heal their nukes as people init debuff and nano skill drain (Viral Pain is based on Matter Creation in 18.4.0) the Guardians to make surviving them easier. Another option is for someone to pull them out of the room and try to lose them in the halls. That although is only a temporary solution.
When the Maid dies the Guardians will all explode in a flash of light.
Kyr'Ozch Nurse:

Annoying and effective healers that need to be taken down.
These will heal the Maid by a modest amount per cast. Kill them in a hurry but they have the lowest priority in most cases.
Kyr'Ozch Offspring:

Painful DoTs ahoy! Kill em!
Kyr'Ozch Offspring use the DoT Viral Venom (4x 1k damage with an 80% NR check in 18.4.0) and have a good bit of health. Kill them as quickly as possible and they take priority over Nurses in at least most situations.
3.2.2 Notes & Tactics:
- If you were to run out of the room with an add following, or at least Kyr'Ozch Nurses and Kyr'Ozch Guardians, and they lose agg on you they can in time warp back to one of the pocket rooms on the West side of the room.
- Due to how adds are triggered deal with the newly spawned adds before going back to attacking the Maid. Then if you need time to heal people up or for perks and specials to recharge use the time after you've dealt with the adds to do it. Dealing with the adds quickly is more important than continuing the attack on the Maid in most cases.
- All three adds can be hit with initiative debuffs like Uncontrollable Body Tremors (UBT). Nano skill drains on the Offspring would also help.
- If one or more chars have calms/snares/roots they should be on Guardian watch duty. Let them deal with the newly spawned Guardians before resuming your attack on the Maid. Another person should be defined as a caller so Offspring and Nurses can be dispatched more quickly.
- Adds do not despawn so if you get more Guardians than you can handle it may be easier to just get a new instance and try again.
3.3 Defense Drone Tower (West)

Seems harmless enough, for now.
This one can be the most consistently troublesome boss out of the four. Its regular attacks hit me for about 600-1.4k energy damage and it has a decent AR as well. Oddly enough it is not hostile till provoked which gives you a chance to get organized.
The Tower of course does not move so will warp and root people on its hate list that are outside a certain range from it. As a result it would be a good idea to stand close to the Tower from the start. You don't want to move around any more than you have to in this fight and you need your mobility to get away from one of the adds.
3.3.1 Zone Effect:

When you see this everyone anywhere on the ship needs to sit down.

This indicates its safe to stand and resume your attack.
Once the Tower is attacked a zone wide effect is triggered that can do two different things. The first is a stun (four seconds in 18.4.0) and the next is seen as a sequence as pictured above. If someone fails to sit down in time they will take damage (up to 3k in 18.4.0) and for each person standing the Tower will be healed by a modest amount. You'll only need to stay seated for a few seconds though so it's a small price to pay to avoid that.
As this is a zone wide effect if there are people coming back someone in the room with the Tower will need to tell them when to sit down as they won't know otherwise. This effect continues even if the Tower dropped agg on everyone and will not end till the boss is dead.
3.3.2 Mines:

Don't step on these.
During the fight mines will spawn then despawn at various places in and near the room the Tower is in. If someone should step on one they will take damage and that person plus those nearby will take AoE damage (typically 500-1k fire damage for both hits in 18.4.0). The person that stepped on it will also then be feared for a little while causing them to run around in random directions.
Two safe places to stand (at least in 18.4.1) are just North and South of the Tower as I've never seen a mine spawn there and running through the Tower should also be safe. Should a mine spawn under you and you move or sit down it will blow, jumping may work though.
3.3.3 Adds:
During the course of the fight three types of adds can spawn. Based on the info for the "weapons" the Tower uses there seems to be a percentage chance of an add spawning when the tower hits someone which my own experiences support. So you need to always be ready for an add to spawn and a good evades tank should give you less adds.
Adds will spawn at different points around and near the Tower. So you could have some people to the North and South of the Tower or everyone on one side and run through the Tower to get to or away from the adds.

They'll drain your nano if you let them, kill them before they do.
These have very little health but are a considerable nuisance to active nano users as they are able to suck away large amounts of nano at a time. Kill them quickly.
Detonation Drone:

When you see that green light pulse down on it, run!
This add is what makes the mines a problem. By design these can't be properly attacked so you can't kill them. Instead you're expected to let them lock onto someone standing still then run when you see the green light as shown above strobe down on it which indicates it's about to blow.
The range of the explosion isn't too wide (5k-7k chemical damage over a 4m radius in 18.4.0) so it shouldn't be too hard to get away in time so long as you don't get stunned, warped and rooted or step on a mine. If you were just North of the Tower, it locked on you from behind and you ran to just South of the Tower that would be enough. The main thing is to move far enough to avoid the blast but not so far that the Tower may warp and root you back within the blast field.
Rimah Corsuezo:

Arg, DoTs, kill it!
These can be a real pest due to its DoT Viral Venom (4x 1k damage with an 80% NR check in 18.4.0). Thankfully they don't have an excessive amount of health.
3.3.4 Tactics:
For the most part people just need to stay alert in this one. Watch for the cue to sit and stand plus tell those outside of the room when to do so. Don't step on the mines. Watch for adds and kill or run from them quickly (a caller for Rimah Corsuezo would be good). You also will want at least a moderate amount of healing here as the Tower can hit fairly hard, those DoTs hurt and if someone gets hit by the explosion of a Drone that could take out a good portion of to all their health in one hit.
3.4 Kyr'Ozch Technician (Missing Power Core mission boss)

An alien mechanic with a bad attitude but surprisingly weak on its own.
The Technician does not move around so will warp and root those outside of a certain range. As you need your mobility at different points in the fight it'd be best to stick near it when you can.
On it's own the Technician is surprisingly weak. Its different attacks when not buffed by offensive towers only do some 100-1000 melee damage to me and its AR is only average. With the aid of offensive towers it can become an entirely different beast that could wipe out your group in a hurry. While the Charging Tower is active the Technician hits me for about 1.2k-3.5k melee damage and gets a sizeable AAO buff too for instance.
3.4.1 Adds:
Along with the Technician four towers will spawn, one in each of the four corners of the room. Although they are dormant at the start of the fight and can't be attacked. Like the Maid fight as you drop the Technician's health down to certain points for the first time different things will be triggered. In this case there are five points at roughly every two blobs of health which cause one of the remaining towers to activate or a group of Kyr'Ozch Protector Drones to spawn. Which of the remaining towers activate next is random and not all of them may activate during the fight as you may get an extra round of Drones instead of a tower.

One of the Technician's buff towers, destroy them as soon as they activate.
Once a tower activates it will provide the Technician with some benefit that lasts for as long as the tower is left alive. In addition to that towers have plenty of health, can toss in some minor physical attacks and use the nuke Viral Pain.
Southeast corner.
Heals the Technician.
No noticeable nano effect on the Technician.
(10k-15k per heal in 18.4.0)
Northwest corner.
Gives the Technician an attack and special attack shield.
On the Technician you'll see a spherical effect similar to some shields showing a blotchy effect like seen at zone boarders.
Northeast corner.
Provides the Technician with a crit buff.
An orange sparkly effect will be seen around the Technician.
(75% in 18.4.0)
Southwest corner.
Gives the Technician a damage and AAO buff.
A green glow will be seen around the Technician.
(1.5k to all damage types and 800 AAO in 18.4.0)
Heals the Technician.
No noticeable nano effect on the Technician.
(10k-15k per heal in 18.4.0)
Northwest corner.
Gives the Technician an attack and special attack shield.
On the Technician you'll see a spherical effect similar to some shields showing a blotchy effect like seen at zone boarders.
Northeast corner.
Provides the Technician with a crit buff.
An orange sparkly effect will be seen around the Technician.
(75% in 18.4.0)
Southwest corner.
Gives the Technician a damage and AAO buff.
A green glow will be seen around the Technician.
(1.5k to all damage types and 800 AAO in 18.4.0)
Kyr'Ozch Protector Drones:

Fast little buggers, don't let them blow up anywhere near you.
Kyr'Ozch Protector Drones spawn as a group inside the room and try to lock onto someone standing still, a green pillar of light will strobe down on it for a little while then it blows up. Unlike the Drones in the Tower boss fight though these can be attacked and killed. To add to the threat they pose they can throw physical attacks as well hitting me for 500 damage per hit. When they blow each does a good bit of AoE damage over a wide area (5k damage each with a 10m radius in 18.4.0).
As an added bonus when the Drones show up the Technician gains a pretty good/annoying in and out of combat heal delta that remains for the rest of the fight.
3.4.2 A Going Away Present:

We're family now. Right click remove the Zix Transformation nano from your NCU to be disowned.
When the Technician has less than a blob of health left everyone in the team will find themselves turned into a little zix which also cancels any morphs they may have had running. This will prevent you from fighting but is a "friendly" buff in your NCU with the icon shown in the lower right of the above image. Just right click it to remove it and finish the Technician off.
3.4.3 Tactics:
- Keep an eye on the health of the Technician so you know when a tower is about to activate or Drones about to spawn.
- Your tank will be the first person to notice which tower is active so make that person your caller. There are nano effects shown on the Technician for most towers and a minor effect on the active tower but it can be easier and much more certain to determine which tower just activated from the damage the Technician is doing or you are not doing. If you don't notice anything right away but a tower should have activated it's the Fuel Tower that's active now.
- Once a tower activates you want to break attack from the Technician and put everything into taking that tower down fast. It would be a good idea to hold your specials and perks with slow recharges back so you can fire them all at the tower. Also slow the attack on the Technician if necessary to let them recharge.
- You don't want more than one tower active at the same time so make sure you're killing them off as they activate.
- While the Kyr'Ozch Protector Drones can be killed considering as how there's a number of them and they certainly have more health than Nanovoiders it can be easier and safer to just let them blow themselves up. If you have someone that can use AoE roots/snares get the attention of all the Drones then have everyone run out of the room and AoE root/snare them North of the door a fair ways. Once rooted/snared and you're a good distance away the safest thing would be to just wait a bit so they blow up.
- Hit the towers with initiative debuffs and nano skill drains (Viral pain is based off of Matter Creation in 18.4.0) to limit their direct threat.
- It can be a good idea to face West while attacking the Technician so you're facing both the door and Charging Tower allowing you to get at either more quickly.
3.4.4 Tactics for the Charging Tower:
This part proves to be the most trouble. Due to the hefty damage and AAO buff this gives the Technician if your tank can't avoid taking hits well he/she will get hit by about every attack while this tower is active and hit hard too. Meaning their absorbs will be wiped very quickly and your healer/s may not be able to keep up.
As a result an evade tank can be preferable. Good evades to avoid many to most attacks, reflects, a healer, HoTs, absorbs, an AAD aura from a crat, AAO debuffs on the Technician and other things all working together make surviving till the Charging Tower is down easy enough so long as everyone is on their toes and the evade tank holds agg.
4. Loot
Take note that as far as initial drops go only the weapons and Victory Point clumps are nodrop. Boss corpses last for thirty minutes so you should have plenty of time to sort out who gets the weapons and bring other chars over to loot them.
4.1 Victory Point Clumps
Dropped by regular mobs, Kyr'Ozch Prison Guards, Kyr'Ozch Nurses and Kyr'Ozch Offspring. You can expect to get them from around QL 130-250. |
4.2 Power Core Parts
Defense Drone Tower | Kyr'Ozch Maid | Control Leech |
The indicated boss has a 100% chance to drop its Power Core part. All the parts are unique. | ||
See the Sector 7 tradeskills guide for info on how the parts fit together. |
4.3 Viral Belt Component Platform Parts
Kyr'Ozch Maid | Control Leech | Defense Drone Tower | Kyr'Ozch Technician |
Each boss has a chance to drop belt parts (not 100% as confirmed by AOU staff and players). All four base belt parts are yesdrop but once you start combining parts the results are nodrop. | |||
See the Sector 7 tradeskills guide for info on how the parts fit together. |
4.4 Sector 7 NCUs
The four bosses each have a chance to drop one random NCU item but they don't always drop one. |
4.5 Special Edition Weapons
The first three bosses will drop two weapons at a time and the Kyr'Ozch Technician drops three with each able to drop any of the weapons. Regular mobs and the others that can drop VP clumps also have a small chance to drop a weapon. All the weapons are nodrop and locked to certain professions but have very low requirements. |
4.6 Kyr'Ozch Storage Box & Kyr'Ozch Storage Container
contains | contains |
The Kyr'Ozch Technician will drop either the Kyr'Ozch Storage Box or Kyr'Ozch Storage Container when killed. Neither storage items are nodrop nor unique but the items inside them are. | |
See the Sector 7 tradeskills guide for info on how to get the contents out. |
4.7 Lead Viralbots
The Kyr'Ozch Technician has a chance to drop any one of these but you may also go through several kills without seeing any. The QL range is around 160-260. |
Last updated on 03.11.2022 by Cariadast
Written and researched by AnotherPhoenix.
Confirmation, info and assistance from Genele, Lindelu and various people from the official AO forums in a thread I started there, forum PMs or on testlive.
Testing assistance from various members of Athen Paladins and allied orgs (RK2).
Unicorn Outpost to Sector 7 map base image provided by Onack.
Belt part drop confirmed changed from player Eternalist and Luckycharmmz
Do you have questions about this article or found an error? 16 comment(s) - Click here to view them!
Written and researched by AnotherPhoenix.
Confirmation, info and assistance from Genele, Lindelu and various people from the official AO forums in a thread I started there, forum PMs or on testlive.
Testing assistance from various members of Athen Paladins and allied orgs (RK2).
Unicorn Outpost to Sector 7 map base image provided by Onack.
Belt part drop confirmed changed from player Eternalist and Luckycharmmz
Do you have questions about this article or found an error? 16 comment(s) - Click here to view them!