
Table of Contents

What's this?

The XML-Parser returns XML-files with contents of the AO-Universe Knowledge-Section.
Simply call this file with the following set of parameters to retrieve the information you need.
Please note that every request to this file (using any of the "modes") is logged for statistical purposes along with a required identification parameter and your IP adress.
If you don't want this, then please do not use this service.
See the news for update information regarding this parser.

How to use

Simply call this file with the required parameters to recieve a XML-file with the results.

Parameters & Modes

The following is a list of parameters that you have to send on every request:

Required Parameters
Parameter Type Options Info
mode string view, list, search Defines the information mode. Click on the names to read specific information what parameters along with the required ones are needed and what the mode returns.
bot string   Specify your bot's name that makes requests to this file.
Optional Parameters
bot_version string   The version of your bot (if available).
output string bbcode, html Parse the author/text fields in BBCode or HTML. Please note that the chars ", &, < and > are HTML-escaped (displayed as &quot; &amp; &lt; &gt;). Default is "bbcode".
fullitem integer true, false This option has only effect if "output" is "bbcode". If set to "true" the three bbcodes "item", "itemname" and "itemicon" will not only display the item-ID but also the image-icon-ID and the item-name (seperated by a ";" semicolon, order "item-id;icon-id;name"). See BBCode-Syntax for more information. Default is "false".

Mode "list"

Use "list" without any additional parameters to recieve a list of all guide folders.
Use the optional "id"-parameter to recieve the guides located in a folder. You can also use the "viewall"-parameter along with the "id" of a root-folder to recieve all guides from any of it's child folders (for example, every guide from "Classic AO"). Not recommended!

Optional Parameters
Parameter Type Options Info
id integer   The ID of a folder.
viewall bool true, false Parse all guides from a root folder. Default is "false".

Mode "view"

Use "view" to recieve the actual content of a guide.

Required Parameters
Parameter Type Options Info
id integer   The ID of a guide to parse.

Mode "search"

Use "search" with the "search"-parameter to recieve a list of all guides that match "search".

Required Parameters
Parameter Type Options Info
search string   Your searchword.
Optional Parameters
id integer   Search only the subfolder "id".


XML Layout

The resulting XML file is UTF-8 coded. The root node is "result", followed by either an "error" node or one or more "section" nodes. "section" nodes include subnodes depending on the requested mode.

Mode "list"

If you call "list" without an id, you will recieve a "folderlist" node, which contains all "folder" nodes (all available folders).

Node-Name Info
id The folder id. Use this to request a folders content
name The folder name
offset Indicates what "level" the folder is on, counted from root
items How many guides are within this folder
parent The folders parent folder id

If you call "list" with an id, you will recieve a "folderlist" node, which contains several "folder" nodes that show the path to the current folder (first "folder" is the requested folder, second it's parent and so on...) - see the table above for node information.
Also you will get a "guidelist" node, which contains one or more "guide" nodes.

Node-Name Info
id The guide id, use this in combination with mode "view" to get the guide content
name The guide name
desc A short guide description

Mode "view"

Use this mode only in combination with an ID. You will then recieve a "folderlist" node which contains several "folder" nodes that show the path to the current folder (first "folder" is the folder the guide is located at, second it's parent and so on...) - see the first node information table on view mode.
A second node is "content" which holds the actual guides content.

Node-Name Info
id The guide id
name The guide name
update The date of the last update of the guide
class A list of classes the guide is suitable for
faction A list of factions the guide is suitable for
level A list of levels the guide is suitable for
author Guide specific author and copyright information
text The actual guide content. The text uses a specific BBCode-Syntax, please read here about it's meaning

Mode "search"

The search result can contain several "section" nodes. Each "section" node contains the results of one guide folder. Each "section" will include two subnodes:
A "folderlist" node which contains several "folder" nodes that show the path to the current folder (first "folder" is the folder the guide is located at, second it's parent and so on...) - see the first node information table on view mode.
The "guidelist" node which contains a list of guides that matched the search criteria. See the second node information table on view mode.

If you added an ID in your search query you will only recieve one "section" node (the requested folder). It's contents are the same as described above.

Error Codes

If your query is wrong in any way, or a search comes up with an empty result, instead of a "section" node you will recieve an "error" node. Use the resulting "code" subnode to indicate the type of error.

Node-Name Info
id The error code ID
text A short error description

Error Codes

Code Info
1 No botname given
2 No ID specified
3 Invalid ID
4 Search result empty
5 Searchword too short

BBCode Syntax

Here's a short explanation of the BBCode Syntax you might find in the guides and what they actually do in HTML. Convert or delete them as you see fit.
The BBCode is always enclosed in brackets "[ ]" and usually has an opening and closing tag. It might contain attributes, check the info!

Code Example Info
b [b]text[/b] Makes text bold
u [u]text[/u] Makes text underlined
i [i]text[/i] Makes text italic
center [center]text[/center] Centers text
quote [quote]text[/quote] Indents text
list [list][*]text
[*]more text[/list]
Makes an unordered list
list=(o|u) [list=o][*]text
[*]more text[/list]
Makes a list with bullets or similar
spoiler [spoiler]text[/spoiler] Hides text on rendering
spoiler=text [spoiler=click me]text[/spoiler] Hides text on rendering, showing "click me" as link
color=COLOR [color=Orange]text[/color] Colors the text with colorname COLOR
size=SIZE [size=18]text[/size] Makes bigger or smaller text
url [url]text[/url] Creates a link to "text"
url=LINK [url=link]text[/url] Creates a link to "link" showing "text" as name
localurl=LINK [localurl=link]text[/localurl] Creates a link to "link" showing "text" that does not open in a new window
anchor=TEXT [anchor=text] Creates an anchor link. Note: this code has no closing tag!
goto=LINK [goto=link]text[/goto] Creates a link pointing to an anchor inside the document.
br [br] Forces a linebreak. Note: this code has no closing tag!
img [img]url[/img] Creates an image with "url" as source.
item [item]ID[/item]
[item nolink]ID[/item]
Creates a link to item ID, showing picture and name. "nolink" attribute creates no link. If the option "fullitem" is used, "ID" is extended to "ID;Icon-ID;Name".
itemname [itemname]ID[/itemname]
[itemname nolink]ID[/itemname]
Creates a link to item ID, showing only name. "nolink" attribute creates no link. If the option "fullitem" is used, "ID" is extended to "ID;Icon-ID;Name".
itemicon [itemicon]ID[/itemicon]
[itemicon nolink]ID[/itemicon]
Creates a link to item ID, showing only the pictures. "nolink" attribute creates no link. If the option "fullitem" is used, "ID" is extended to "ID;Icon-ID;Name".
ts_t [ts_t][item]ID[/item]
Creates a "tradeskill-table", showing the following format:
item + item = item
A table that consists of 5 columns and one row.
ct|td|tr [ct]text[td]text[tr]text[td]text[/ct] Creates a table, opening with a column (td). The "td" commands openes another column. The "tr" command creates a new row, opening with a column. The closing "ct" closes one column, row and table.
"ct" can have one attribute each out of 3 groups: "top|middle|bottom", "left|center|right|justify" and "grid|nogrid|none"; those only affect the visual output, not the content.
waypoint x=# y=# pf=# [waypoint x=123 y=456 pf=100]Somewhere[/waypoint]
[waypoint pf=100 y=456 x=123]Same place, different typing[/waypoint]
Indicates a coordinate for the ingame map. The text between the waypoint-tag is to be considered the description.
"waypoint" has 3 attributes, "x|y|pf". "x|y" respectively stand for coordinates, "pf" states the playfield-id.
All three are always present, but their position inside the waypoint-tag may vary.


2012.10.09 - fixed error in HTML-output

Fixed an error in HTML-output. The new waypoint-tag is now only rendered as blank text inside a span-tag, while the normal website renders div-tags including a flash-movie for copying.

2012.09.24 - Waypoint-tag added

We added a [waypoint]-tag to render waypoints for the ingame map (see here, bottom).
Please note that our guides will be updated with this new tag over the coming days, so not all guides will have this new tag instantly.

2012.06.13 - New parsing functions

2012.02.16 - Going live

Parser is going live.
If you have any trouble with this tool, contact Khuri or post in the Feedback forum.



Website created by the AO-Universe Team

Anarchy Online Universe © 2005-2024 - Anarchy Online is a trademark of Funcom
Website Content may not be reproduced without permission.
Anarchy Online Universe is hosted by: Khuri's Media and IOS-Solutions