RP - BoD Emergency meeting (Atlantean)
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:48 pm
Event Calendar Entry: |
[img]http://www.ao-universe.com/website/imag ... r/sf_0.png[/img] BoD Emergency meeting Event on: Atlantean Event Time: [usertime=1300478400] (your time) Event Duration: aprox. 1 hour Event Description: Source: http://forums.anarchyonline.com/showthread.php?t=588338 OTPC - After many confused employees found the doors shut at the last scheduled meeting the Board of Directors have called an emergency meeting to discuss sensitive information. "To all members of the Affiliate Program, The Board has recently come into possesion of certain information that we would like to discuss with you, as such a meeting will be held on Friday the 18th at 20:00 RST. We ask that all affiliates try to attend or send a representative that can be vouched for. In addition to discussing this information we will also be taking reports as per a usual board meeting." Released by Omni-Tek Administration on direct order by CEO Tarkhan Zora |