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We need an Icons SDK from Funcom!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:44 pm
by Jerusha
I am writing this here, since I cannot log into the AO Forums atm, because my account is unpaid currently.
Maybe someone can pass this to Means or Kintaii:

As some of you may be aware (or not lol) I have developed the Program AwesOmeScriptto make scripting a bit easier. Many of the users have problems extracting the data and using the icons in my program properly. Not everyone is so well versed in that as others.
Delivering the icons with my program basically violates the TOS and Copyright of AO. Since Funcom seems to silently accept the icons beeing on many websites, we cannot be sure about their usage.
So my bid to Funcom is, to release an unsupported Package with the icons and maybe some of the GUI Textures like the profession-plates as a SDK with a liberal license that makes them free to use as long as it is non commercial. Something like the Creative Commons license.
The community can then use that icons in programs and websites related to Anarchy Online and can be sure about not getting sued about copyright infringements by funcom.
That would be great.
Thanks a ton.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:44 pm
by Silentmeta
Seconded. Totally and absolutely!

And while your at it, lets have the 400+ small facial icon's too, FC !

Jerusha, the link to download doesn't work.. Google throws up a

500 Server Error...

Please tell me where I can download your proggie, as I'm trying to
write something similar as a Budabot module... which will also then
advertise the script on the various shop channels, much like MyShop
does. :)
