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AwesOme Script

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:11 am
by Jerusha
Release early, release often ~ Open Source Philosophy

I hope you guys do not mind if I present my program here in your forums :). And yes, the text is copied over from official forums :D.

It is a little program I made to edit ingame scripts like I have one for my tradeskilling. It always bothered me that I have to write everything into one line and I did not find any tool that fitted my needs for writing this stuff. So I made one with wxWidgets, which is a GUI Toolkit for C++, Python and Java. The program is written in C++ though.

How does it work?
You open a Project and it asks you some Questions, like a string for the Chatlink and the chatcommand you would like to have, which is also the filename of the script in AO Directory. You also need to set the directory you have AO installed to, so it automatically can install the script into the approperiate folder. However, at the moment the program expects the script folder to exist. This may change in future, so it asks to create it.

What license does the program have?
I has the GNU General Public License V2 as license, so the program is free as in "free beer" and "free speech".

Does the program require an internet connection?
Not for normal operation. An internet connection is opened when you check the version via the help menu. The connection is closed after retreiving the current release version from the net.

Does it waste my disc with any files created?
No. Only a few registry keys are created. You can find them in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Scorched Productions". If you do not want to use it anymore, you can delete this folder safely.

What is planned?
A lot of stuff. Some Tools to insert HTML-Code already exist an I plan to do more of it. At the moment, I am at Milestone 1, which means all rudimentary features work. If you have suggestions, please tell me.

Can I help?
Sure, if you got some free time, pull off the code from SVN and start coding :). For submitting code, you need to ask me for membership and that requires a gmail adress though.

Please note, the program is at a very early stage. You may find it incomplete, but you can already do everything with it.
If the program says it cannot start, due to Runtime missing, please install this redistributable package: ... laylang=en

If you run into any problems, please post here or open an issue on:

Download is here:


11.07.2010 V0.3.5

* Individualization is AwesOme! And so you can edit the styles of the textcontrol now
* On first start, the program will attempt to find the AO directory by itself through reading the registry
* You can check for newer versions via the internet now. The connection is only for a very short time and a textfile is downloaded. Transfersize is around 2 kilobyte.
* The program will show the scripts size in bytes in the statusbar. If the maximum size is exceeded, you will get an error message from AO when sending it
* The program remembers its size and position now when it quits. It will try to restore that on startup.
* You can now delete all keys in the windows registry by starting the program with -uninstall as switch. The programm will quit after doing so to prevent that new keys are created.
* The programm will now ask for save on creation of a new project or exiting the program if you modified the source since last save.
* General improvements inside the code.

07.07.2010 V0.3.0

* Replaced wxTextControl with wxStyledTextControl. Adds SyntaxHighlighting
* Translated startup page to german
* Added Undo/Redo Stack with wxStyledTextControl
* Font is now selectabel.
* Added Accelerator for new projects (Ctrl-N)
* Unified HTML Tools Description (german version)
* Streamlined the menus a bit

06.07.2010 V0.2.0

* Making a new project has now a nice dialog
* You can show the projects properties like chatlink and chatcommand after it is loaded.
* Project name is now displayed on the titlebar.
* More HTML Tools

25.06.2010 V0.1.1

* Fixed a crash when canceling the ColorDialog
* HTML Color will now be inserted instead of appended
* Selected HTML Color will now surround selected Text

Have fun and please leave some feedback. I cannot improve it without.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:49 pm
by Jerusha
There was a major bug today in my code, which caused the Script not to be exported as 1 line. Please redownload if you suffer from this issue.