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Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:19 pm
by Soldatius
Thanks a lot.

Most of the content here was for a testing porpous to see how difficoult it could be to make it. And I agree with the picture frame, it dont looks so good, and using just a semi transparent will look better.

I happend to have a old recording from one of GSP show with Dynamiks, and asked him if it was ok to use that in this test. The script is just casual, and the idea was to make it look/sound it was a broadcast of somthing before a incomming transmitting took over the screen.

He have a good voice, but I think I have to ask if he could do somthing from a script :P

Anyway. Good feedback, I liked it.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:19 pm
by Windguaerd
An interrupted broadcast? hmm.. here is something that i will improvise as i write this post, 2 broadcasters:

"Newland Brand Coffee has now gone public with stocks being valued at 1,000 credits per unit. Surprisingly Omni-Tek's coffee brand which was recenty renamed OTCaf from the old name OTCup has made no comment on their new neutral competition.

"Now back to you Charlie."

"Thank you Bob. In other news; Borealis continues in silent protest as neutral businesses have added a special sales tax for Omni-Tek employees. This unauthorized taxation has not gone unnoticed by Administrator Lonare who is currently the person in charge of Borealis.

"The Newland City Counsil has.."

Here is here you need to add some white noise, not to loud, but first at a higher volume and then reduce it as if a strong "signal" interrupted the broadcast.

Next you can pretty much use one of the previous 2 voice actors (or he can be 1 actor and he can change the tone of his voice if he is good) to speak slowly and with a raspy voice as if he has a mild cold.

"The corporate dogs shall not have our world. Neither will the clan scum with their bloodlust. No. Rubi-Ka will be freed by the true rubikans. By us! Ashes to ashes! Dust to Dust! Long live the Dust Brigade!"

I think you can pretty much imagine the visual with the script and work it out.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:13 pm
by Soldatius
Oh yes I can imagine the visuals.

I see I have created my self a long time consuming project here :P
But with a bit good efford I think it will came out with a sort of resoult.

So infront of me I have to edit the first movie and add voice and do some new cleaner shooting. Then edit and try make a short episode of the last test.
Gah... I think I have to quit my day job :P he he

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:21 am
by Soldatius
My computer will not command me.

My comp crashed and it delayed my progress making this movie. MBR and linux are not always the best pals when you delete the linux partition. And when my XP instalation was made from the company that sold me my comp. Tryed to repair MBR with my XP cd, but had to write a admin password to do fixmbr command.

Anyway I did some thinking about story and such. I think I have the story made.. at least in my head. And DJ Dynamiks from GSP sayd that he could help out with some voice on scritp.

However. I thought about some music, and insted of using bladerunner soundtrack. I thought it could be better to use somthing more leagal content.
I thought about a band from my home town, and I want ya to listen and say what ya think of using this instead. This is a live recording ... 5b8%5d.mp3

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:30 pm
by Windguaerd
Soldatius wrote:Aargh....
My computer will not command me.

My comp crashed and it delayed my progress making this movie. MBR and linux are not always the best pals when you delete the linux partition. And when my XP instalation was made from the company that sold me my comp. Tryed to repair MBR with my XP cd, but had to write a admin password to do fixmbr command.

Anyway I did some thinking about story and such. I think I have the story made.. at least in my head. And DJ Dynamiks from GSP sayd that he could help out with some voice on scritp.

However. I thought about some music, and insted of using bladerunner soundtrack. I thought it could be better to use somthing more leagal content.
I thought about a band from my home town, and I want ya to listen and say what ya think of using this instead. This is a live recording ... 5b8%5d.mp3
I haven't heard of MBR in years, Master Boot Record back with Win98 and Win95 was easier to manipulate.

Will check out the music.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:44 pm
by Windguaerd
Checked the MP3, the music is good, but the voice is too "raw" in my opinion. It's a sci-fi setting, your best shot may be a band with a female singer. I think you may even get away with goth music if you get the right band.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:50 pm
by Soldatius
You have right about the voice. This one is a live recording so the vocal are a bit dominated and rugh. There is somthing about theire music I feel will fit well. I also contacted the singer, and he gave me permission to use theire music.

Actually I will try to awoid use music with to much voice in.