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Old player considering to come back

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:24 am
by haliy3467
Hi everyone,

I used to play a while back from beta up to August 2008. Upon leaving, I had a 220 doc (main), 220 agent (1st main alt), 220 crat (2nd main alt), 60 totw twink fixer, and a level 10 twink pvp agent

Now I am considering to come back which comes to my questions. How is the game play (PVE) and current player base for Atlantean (it used to be almost a ghost town even in the SL areas)

I was never really drawn to the PVP aspect however, i did participate just because it was something to do. PVE raiding and doing soloing city alien spawns for equipment and credits was what i spent most of my time doing in the end.

My last character save (not really sure if it is this current setup for my doc) and was wondering if this is viable for the raids these days if this is the correct setup my doc has.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:53 am
by Silvana
I don't think the population between 2008 and now has changed too dramatically. I'm sure it has gone down some, but that goes for all games really as far as paying subscribers. You'll probably find quite a few upgrades that were brought in with the Legacy of the Xan expansion, but nothing that's out of reach if you have an org that is willing to raid with you.

I'm assuming since you are wanting to bring back your 220 doc that you are planning to go paid again, so it would probably be in your best interest to grab the LoX expansion. I'd say there's not a ton of PvP anymore, though certain battle station ranges (mostly towards the high end) are still very active because there's a daily mission associated with them. Tower battles aren't very frequent anymore, and the new PvP area never really caught on.

It does look like they're putting in a nice semi-pvp instance for Halloween though.

The addition of daily missions makes leveling a very different experience because even if you just have a 30 minute or 1 hour time window, you can do a daily and get a level of regular xp until the later levels, and alien levels too. Makes it feel like you're accomplishing something instead of hanging out on LFT for 6 hours trying to get an inf team or something ;)

I think it's really a matter of finding the right org if/when you come back. If the org doesn't really do raiding, you'll have to sit on LFT or join a raid bot and hope you get lucky enough to get the loot.

All in all, the game is still very enjoyable. Playing a new character can be a lot of fun when you are able to start gaining normal perks, alien perks, and research perks from the get go. It really changes how you play the game.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:10 pm
by Snakebite
Your setup doesn't look too bad, you're not that far behind, some items could do with LoX upgrades and maybe another 1 or 2 Beast items, but wouldn't take forever to catch up, you're still in the running... :D

P.S. You will of course be wanting the LoX Beta symbs to create Alpha Symbs...

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:08 am
by haliy3467
Thanks for the replies. Looks like i will end up picking up LOX when i get home in November. Is it only available online? Tried to get to the site at work but for some reason, the firewall wont let me threw hence its saying blocked content. it not showing up in

I also remember back in the day that you really couldn't play the game without a couple addon's. Clicksaver, Nano Nanny, and i think it was called sphere map. Are these still around or are there new and improved versions?

I've also defiantly decided to come back. Too many memories are coming back to me just thinking about it all.

now its also about trying to figure out what i want to play as my main again. my agent. now im regretting selling off that full set of QL300 CSS. Alot of work to do i can only imagine but it will keep me busy

My doc which ive already posted the link for or my crat which i don't have a setup in auno. all i remember is having him in is a set of combined officers and not so decent guns.

any suggestions?

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:33 am
by Silvana
I also remember back in the day that you really couldn't play the game without a couple addon's. Clicksaver, Nano Nanny, and i think it was called sphere map. Are these still around or are there new and improved versions?
If you look under Multimedia > Downloads on the left navigation menu, you'll find most of that stuff and some more fun things ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:48 pm
by Snakebite
I'm afraid you're probably gonna REALLY regret selling that set of CSS... From what I can work out, a 240+ Supple bot is selling for 700mill on Dim2 (Rimor)...

P.S. I know nothing about agents lol.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:28 pm
by haliy3467
um yea... that makes me a sad panda indeed. I think i sold each peice for around 300m ;(

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:52 pm
by Snakebite
Ack... That's inflation for you lol.

I've started to farm a set for myself, I have a total of TWO bots so far... *sigh*

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:55 pm
by haliy3467
Is there a way to figure out which characters you had on what account. I had a total of 4 accounts, 2 of which were previous paid accounts and one of the 2 had my 3 main characters on

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:33 pm
by Silvana
For paid accounts, you won't be able to log in to them to see the character list until they are paid again. The froob accounts you just need to log in like normal to the client to see which ones you have.

As far as I know there's nowhere on the accounts page that has a list of them. I checked on my paid and froob ones and didn't see a list of characters at least.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:29 pm
by Snakebite
Nope, no way to check, you're gonna have to activate them to find out...

On the other hand, if you're only planning on activating one account in the end, activating both of them for one month may be a good idea, that will allow you to chose which items and cash you will take off the other account before it goes down again.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:23 am
by haliy3467
How much are the following items going for in trade or shops on RK1:

Mortig beamers (any QL)
Spirit Tech Apparatus (any)
Crystalised Memories (any)
Inactive Ancient Bracer (any)

I'm trying to do some research on what i should start farming in order to start making credits again. These are the main things i used to farm (besides alien city raids) before and wondering if they are worth doing it up all over again.

What is the latest and greatest things that is mostly sought after?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:46 am
by haliy3467
Still looking for an answer

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:31 am
by Silvana
The problem is that you're asking for information that changes on a constant basis. Until a recent patch, everyone would have said to get an s10 twink and farm things there, but now those no longer drop.

Checking GMS for item prices and listening to the trade channels is your best bet for finding out what people are looking for, what they're selling, and prices. One person could tell you that an item sells great for x amount, and then you'll get in the game and find an over-saturated market on that item, so farming it wouldn't do you much good until the number being sold in the GMS and on trade goes down, because your profits will take a hit.