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September Colum

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:52 pm
by Qiris
As it is late in september i won't be putting out a colum this mounth or week.I will however be putting up a poll as to see what the general AO player wants to read about in his/her colum.

Edit: I know this is a little early on asking this but just wanted to see what player think or want. :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:43 am
by Snakebite
Explain a little more about what you will be writing, where it will be posted & stuff like that please...

This sounds interesting! :)

Ok, I'm obviously a little behind the times :oops: , Welcome in Qiris...

It's going to be nice to have our own gossip columnist... :D

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:58 pm
by Qiris
Lol, evil snake.

What i was saying if you had read the post that Windguaerd posted, my job is to make colums. I wright about what you guys want to hear or know about. What I need to know, is just that, what you want to know about or hear about through my colums, stuff you won't find by just wandering around pounding on some rocks.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:29 am
by Snakebite
I'd like to know about droprates & stuff like that (not sure what this has to do with a columnist tho lol), I've just finished getting those 3 nifty helpers for my Engi (you know the ones that start you off in the Crypt of Home getting your ass handed to you by the boss to get 3 Focus-Funneling Devices... lol)

Loving Focus-Funneling Helper(HUD1)
Primitive Focus-Funneling Helper (HUD2)
Rancorous Focus-Funneling Helper (Hud3)

& I have to say, I'm not sure I'd have bothered starting it if I'd known beforehand what the drop rate was on the Focus-Funneling Spirits or worse still the Hate Spirit Training Program!

I filled:
6 backpacks with completed PB patterns,
3 with novicum for the PBs,
5 with novictum for t1 armour (assorted),
6 with PB bits,
2 with pearls (which is nice... :D ),
2 with tatoos (which I later deleted when I realised 90% of them were Omni)
3 with spirits (till I gave up on them)
& several full of useless crap that I just dumped into the terminals

Out of all this what did I get that I was actualy after?

3xFocus-Funneling Spirits
1xLove Spirit Training Program
1xHate Spirit Training Program


The only bonus is that I also picked up (whilst camping the Hate Spirit Training Program) a full set of 5 Problem Seeking Devices for my Doc...
I did however only get 1 Problem Solving Device for myself! & this was actualy given to me by an Omni Enf because I was perfectly happy to find him a set of the Compact Novictum Stones for the Enf t1 armour (which seems to drop realy rarely also) while I was there killing the mobs that dropped them.

Thanks, you know who you are...!

The problem now is do I continue the endless camp & try to drop another 4 Problem Solving Devicess for my Engi (& hope for another Hate Spirit Training Program to drop? (I could sell this for the going rate (I think it's 45mill) but there's an Org mate that could realy use one so it would go there). Or do I say stuff it, the drop rate is too low I'll just buy them?

These 3 finished items are well worth getting, a real 'can't do without' (since I've not gone 'tradeskiller' yet, they've more than doubled a couple of my tradeskills lol), but are they worth the near terminal bordom of camping for the parts?

ANYWAY... I'm not sure if this is what you're after, but I'd like to see it...! lol.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:06 am
by Windguaerd

What you need is guides, columnist don't give you droprates...but may comment on them and possible changes as I did in my editorial.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:44 pm
by Snakebite
Aaah, I see... (errr, looking back, did I just write half a guide??? :? lol)

Would there be any way to keep track of who lost towers where? Sort of a 'War Update' column?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:49 pm
by R3tt@m@n
First, I would start with the brand new patch 16.x

There are many things to cover that you could parse it out over two or three articles.

First one would be the revamp of textures on Rubi-ka. Your impressions as an AO gammer as well as the impressions of your fellow players. I don't just mean OA, but Rubik-Ka in general. Not only appearence but how has it effected game play to the casual/hardcore gammer. Has it caused more people to "re-explore" the orginal game world.

Second would be to focus on the revamping of Biomere and everything about it from playability to quests to over all impressions both from the writer's point of view and the players who have been exploring the new one. Then maybe you could add a poll as to which dungeon the readers would like to see revamped next.

Third, the other updates, profession updates specifically. Read through the Professiona forums and get an idea of what each profession that had some updates added from this patch thought of their changes.

There are three articles for you.

As far as for future articles. You could do three articles on the Roleplaying entities CoT, Omni BoD and the possibility of a Neutral city council.

Another one could be rivalries, not just the general OT vs Clan but specific orginizations. For instance the Rivalry in Tower Wars. Interview some Tower orgs, RP orgs to see who are their main rivals on the other side that they continue to enteract with.

Reporting story articles. Interview the players of the orginizations involved in the RP story line groups CoT, Omni-Bod and the possible candidates for the Newland City council idea. (I know one who has been activly campaigning for a seat)

Just some ideas.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:18 pm
by Qiris
ok ok ok ok, hold up, you want me to wright about droprates!?!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:42 am
by Snakebite
*shuffles toe in dirt...*

Well, on retrospection... No...

*shuffles toe in dirt again...*

It just happened to be what was most on my mind at the time lol...